"Save the Ocean, Save the Future"

The Coral Reefs Need Our Help

It is estimated that in 2050, 90% of all the coral in the world will die or be dead already if global warming continues at this rate.

Why should we care?

In short, coral are animals that create a habitat which is one of the Earth's most diverse ecosystem even though it is less than 1% of the ocean floor. 25% of ocean creatures dwell in coral reefs.

If all the coral in the world died,

1. Spawning and feeding grounds for fish living in coral reefs would disappear meaning species could become extinct

2. An whole ecosystem would be destroyed

3. Ocean's whole food chain would be disrupted and become unbalanced

How this effects the Human population

1. 60% of Hawaii's tourists are reef visitors which shows that loss of coral reefs will severely impact tourism

2. Coral Reefs around the world feed millions of people because of amount of fish that live there and loss of coral reefs might mean that you can't have or rarely have some types of fish. (Half of U.S. fisheries depend of healthy coral reefs for animals like snapper, grouper, and lobster)

3. Coral Reefs are storm barriers and they help prevent floods, erosion, and property damage. Without coral reefs, public and private property are more susceptible to floods and