Baker Pediatric Dental Care  - Tustin Kids Dentistry

Baker Pediatric Dental Care combines art, science, and experience to provide your child with the most comprehensive pediatric dental and orthodontic care available. We understand the importance of helping children enjoy every visit to the dentist and are dedicated to providing children of all ages with high quality dentistry. 

Tips For Having A Bright And Beautiful Smile

Are you experiencing dental problems? Is someone you know suffering from a dental problem? Are you looking for dental tips? Don't let a dental issue get in the way of your personal life.

Avoid drinking soda. Sodas are chock full of sugar, so you should drink plenty of water instead of soda. This is good for your dental health and keep your teeth looking nice.

You should take at least two minutes when brushing your teeth. Spending less time than that will not get rid of a good amount of plaque and bacteria. It is important to take the time to thoroughly brush your teeth twice a day to prevent cavities.

There are self soothing techniques that can be quite effective when you are experiencing anxiety in the dentists chair. Apply whatever works for you before, during and after the appointment. That will make everything run more smoothly.

Your age shows in your teeth. If you have missing, yellow or crooked teeth, consult a doctor whose specialty is restorative dentistry. A smile that's bad can make you look a lot older. Therefore, cut down on the years and see your dentist to get your teeth repaired.

See your dentist regularly for the best in oral hygiene. If you avoid having regular checkups with your dentist, you may end up dealing with serious problems later in life. By going to see your dentist routinely, you will be able to have any problems fixed before they get too bad.

You should floss daily to help protect your teeth. Good flossing really makes a big difference. Carefully insert the floss between your teeth. Use a motion that goes back and forth. Take extra care to avoid cutting your gums while you are flossing. Gently remove any debris found between your teeth.

If you want white teeth, invest in whitening strips. Red the instructions carefully and don't leave them on any longer than you're supposed to. Using teeth whitening strips can damage your teeth if you use them too often.

Are you susceptible to tartar? If so, you need effective anti-tarter products. Then you should focus on the areas in which you find the tartar builds up while using your specially formulated toothpaste. Also, visit your dentist regularly.

Are your teeth very sensitive to extreme temperatures? Make sure your toothpaste is designed for your condition and make an appointment to visit your dentist. Tooth sensitivity could be an indicator of a more serious problem. Take care of these dental problems before they get worse.

If you teeth are looking a little less than white, you should try a teeth whitening product. Peruse the aisle of your local drugstore to evaluate your options. Then, pick the option that most appeals to you and use it regularly. All products have different directions, so ensure you carefully read over the label and instructions so that you can achieve the best possible results from the use of the product.

Brush your teeth from the gum line. Move up or down from there, depending on the part of your mouth you are brushing. Food and bacteria gets stuck underneath the edges of your gums, and this will help to pull that debris loose. If you want to scrub sideways first, that's fine, but follow it up with an up and down motion.

Some vitamin deficiencies can cause gum issues and tooth decay. Proper nutrition is one rung in the ladder of good dental health. Vitamin B and calcium are especially important for your teeth. You can find them in natural sources like low-fat dairy and fruits.

Replace your toothbrush regularly. You should never keep a toothbrush for more than two or three months. Even if it looks new, the bristles may be ruined. Older toothbrushes aren't that great at getting your teeth cleaned. Regularly replacing your toothbrush is vital for properly caring for your teeth.

When it comes to your teeth, always remember to floss. It is very important that you do this. Floss between every single set of teeth. It can be somewhat difficult doing this with the back molars. Why not consider a dental pick if this is causing you problems. Choose a flossing method that is easy for you.

If your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, visit a dentist. It is possible that it could be a sign of gum disease or simply that your brush is not right. Talk to your dentist for advice.

There is more to dental care than cleaning your teeth and going to the dentist regularly. It may be necessary to make lifestyle changes to keep your teeth bright and healthy. Avoid tobacco products, coffee and tea. All can permanently stain your teeth.

All forms of tobacco is bad for your oral health. They not only contribute to damaged teeth and gums, they also may cause oral cancer. Get to the dentist right away if you are a tobacco user and notice any type of sore in your mouth.

Replace your toothbrush frequently. Electric toothbrushes need heads rotated frequently. By using your toothbrush all the time for too long you may end up getting bacteria in your brush which then goes to your mouth. Most dentists suggest that toothbrushes be replaced every two to three months.

If you are interested in having teeth that look nice, avoid smoking. Quitting smoking impacts your health in general as well as your dental well-being. Look to one of the many resources available to help you. Your doctor can provide you with the support you need when you choose to quit smoking for your health!

Lemon and vinegar have long been thought of as natural teeth whiteners. This isn't true. The acids in these liquids can damage tooth enamel.

Want to find out if you have stinky breath? Lick your palm or wrist, then smell it while it's still moist. If it has an offensive odor, then you need to take action and brush your teeth or chew some sugar-free gum. Try this out prior to giving someone a kiss or talking to someone.

Keeping your teeth their healthiest does not take too much time and effort if you know what to do. Keep your mouth and teeth clean with the advice above. Complications can arise if you do not follow the proper dental procedures listed above.

Ryan Baker DMD - Pediatric Dentist Orange County

Dr. Ryan B. Baker DMD: Nurturing Smiles and Confidence in Tustin, CA


In the vibrant community of Tustin, California, parents seeking comprehensive pediatric dental care for their children need look no further than Dr. Ryan B. Baker DMD. With a commitment to excellence in pediatric dentistry and a passion for nurturing young smiles, Dr. Baker has become a trusted figure in the field of children's oral health. This article delves into the life and practice of Dr. Baker, highlighting his dedication to promoting dental health, building confidence, and creating positive dental experiences for the young residents of Tustin.

Early Life and Education

Dr. Ryan B. Baker's journey towards becoming a renowned pediatric dentist in Tustin began with a strong educational foundation. He completed his Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree at a prestigious dental school, where he excelled in his studies and developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of oral health. His love for working with children led him to pursue further education in pediatric dentistry, where he honed his skills in addressing the unique needs of young patients.

Expertise in Pediatric Dentistry

As a board-certified pediatric dentist, Dr. Baker possesses the specialized knowledge and training required to provide comprehensive dental care to infants, children, and adolescents. His practice focuses on preventing dental issues, diagnosing and treating oral health problems, and instilling good oral hygiene habits from a young age.

Dr. Baker understands that visiting the dentist can be a source of anxiety for many children. To create a positive and comfortable environment, his office is designed with young patients in mind, featuring a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. His dedicated team of dental professionals is trained to work with children, ensuring that each visit is a pleasant experience.

Promoting Dental Health

Dr. Baker firmly believes that prevention is the cornerstone of good oral health. He emphasizes the importance of regular check-ups and dental cleanings to detect and address potential issues early on. Through patient education and guidance, he empowers children and their parents to make informed decisions about their oral health.

One of the key aspects of Dr. Baker's practice is dental education. He takes the time to educate his young patients about the importance of proper oral hygiene, nutrition, and the consequences of neglecting their dental health. By instilling these essential lessons at an early age, he helps children develop lifelong habits that will serve them well into adulthood.

Building Confidence and Trust

Dr. Baker understands that a positive dental experience during childhood can have a lasting impact on a person's attitude towards oral health. By fostering a warm and caring environment, he strives to create positive memories of dental visits for children. His gentle approach and compassionate demeanor help build trust and ease anxiety, making every visit a comfortable and enjoyable one.

Beyond clinical expertise, Dr. Baker's ability to connect with his young patients is a testament to his dedication to their well-being. He takes the time to listen to their concerns and answer their questions, ensuring that each child feels valued and understood.

Community Engagement

Dr. Baker is not only dedicated to the oral health of his patients but also to the Tustin community as a whole. He actively participates in local outreach programs and dental health initiatives, promoting the importance of oral hygiene and providing valuable resources to families in need. His commitment to community engagement reflects his belief in the power of education and preventive care.


Dr. Ryan B. Baker DMD is more than just a pediatric dentist in Tustin, California; he is a trusted advocate for children's oral health and well-being. With a passion for preventive care, a commitment to building confidence and trust, and a dedication to community engagement, Dr. Baker is shaping a brighter and healthier future for the young residents of Tustin. His compassionate approach to pediatric dentistry ensures that every child who walks through his doors leaves with a smile on their face and a strong foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.