Before participating, please read the contest rules carefully. If you have questions, please visit the FAQ tab, or if an answer is not listed reach out to one of us on Twitter.
Step right up to the WHEEL OF FEELS! What word did you spin? Your goal is to write a story that captures that vibe.
Your entry should be geared for an audience of 12 years or younger
Spin the WHEEL OF FEELS to decide what vibe to capture with your entry (Ex: If you spin and land on the word: ANGRY, your story should capture that feeling).
Your entry can be lyrical/poetic and does not necessarily need a beginning, middle and end.
You have 125 words to make this happen.
The title of your entry does not count toward your overall word count.
Please do not include illustration notes.
The #kidlitvibes contest officially begins on May 5th, 2023. Starting May 5th you can step on up to the WHEEL OF FEELS and spin a vibe for your story by visiting the SPIN tab.
Starting on May 12th at 12 AM EST, submit your entry on the ENTRIES tab of this website.
Feel free to also post on your blog if you have one, however, we will ONLY be judging entries submitted to our entry page.
The deadline for posting your entry is 3 AM EST on May 14th.
Please only one entry per contestant.
Questions or comments? Reach out to any of the FRENZY FRIENDS on Twitter.
Don’t forget to visit the PRIZE tab to see our list of awesome prizes!