Key Interactions Bound for the Invisibles 2023

Aug. 1st-3rd, 2023

Registration (closed)

Workshop on Particle and Astroparticle physics

Key Interactions  Bound for the Invisibles



Okayama 717-0602, Japan


Aug. 1st-3rd



1st Aug. (Tue.) Hiruzen Gakusha

11:30-12:30 Lunch 

12:30-12:50 Registration 

12:50-13:10 Opening 

Session 1 (Chair: Nomura)

13:10-14:00 Quark and lepton model with flavor specific dark matter and muon g − 2 in modular A4 and hidden U(1) symmetries  

Hiroshi Okada (Kyushu Univ.)

In this talk, we briefly review non-Abelian flavor symmetries in quark and lepton sectors and discuss some flavor physics such as muon g-2 and a dark matter candidate introducing a concrete model based on arXiv2304.13361.

14:10-15:00 Theoretical overview of muonium-antimuoinium transition 

Yuichi Uesaka (Kyushu Sangyo Univ.)

Muonium is a bound state composed of an antimuon and an electron, which constitutes a hydrogen-like atom. The process of the muonium-to-antimuonium transition is considered to be effective to identify fundamental interactions which relate to the lepton flavor and lepton number violation. New experiments are being planned at J-PARC in Japan and CSNS in China, and it is expected to attract more attention in the near future. We have studied what kind of model can be verified in the next generation of the muonium-to-antimuonium transition search experiments while escaping the constraints by other experiments. In this talk, I will show the analyses for some neutrino models which can be tested in the forthcoming experiments for the muonium to antimuonium transition.

15:00-15:20 Break

Session 2 (Chair: Uesaka)

15:20-16:10 Quantum cosmology and uniform rate inflation 

Chia-Min Lin (National Chin-Yi Univ. of Tech.)

In this talk, I introduce an exact solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in a flat FLRW minisuperspace in the de Broglie-Bohm quantum cosmology framework. Afterward, I explain how the result can be applied to build a novel inflation model called uniform rate inflation, where the equation of motion can be solved analytically. 

16:20-17:10 The SMEFT approach for top FCNC searches

Kazumasa Ohkuma (Okayama Univ. of Sci.)

The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is one of the most promising approaches to new physics searches at colliders. In this talk, the historical review of SMEFT will be introduced with our research results. The Flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) of top quarks is too suppressed in the framework of the Standard Model to observe at any colliders. Therefore, if a phenomenon from those interactions were observed, it would be a signal from new physics beyond the Standard Model. Here, The FCNC of top quarks using the framework of SMEFT is also discussed. 

18:30 Dinner (To go from Kogentei; 高原亭)

Session 3 (Chair: Lin)  

18:30-19:20 Directional detection of dark matter boosted by cosmic rays from the direction of the Galactic center

Keiko Nagao (Okayama Univ. of Sci.)

Dark matters with MeV-scale mass are difficult to detect with standard direct search detectors. However, they can be searched for by considering the up-scattering of kinetic energies by cosmic rays. Since dark matter density is higher in the central region of the Galaxy, the up-scattered dark matter will arrive at Earth from the direction of the Galactic center. Once the dark matter is detected, we can expect to recognize this feature by directional direct detection experiments. In this study, we simulate the nuclear recoils of the up-scattered dark matter and quantitatively reveal that a large amount of this type of dark matter is arriving from the direction of the Galactic center.

2nd Aug. (Wed.) Kyukamura Hiruzen Kogen

Session 4 (Chair: Okada)

9:30-9:50  Estimation of local dark matter density using the IllustrisTNG simulation 

Takuho Nakabayashi (Okayama Univ. of Sci.)

Based on observations of stars in the Galaxy by the Gaia satellite, the local dark matter density has been evaluated to be around ρ = 0.3-0.6 GeV/cm^3. It is important because it affects the results of direct dark matter searches. In addition, the density distribution of dark matter is expected to be non-uniform, which is difficult to estimate from the Gaia satellite observations. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed data from IllustrisTNG, a high-resolution cosmological simulation, to evaluate the dark matter density and standard deviation at points corresponding to the Solar system in the Milkyway Galaxy.

9:50-10:05 Let's take pictures!

10:05-11:55 Introduction to quantum computation 

Masaya Kohda (QunaSys Inc.)

Recent progress in the development of quantum computer devices have led to a surge in research on quantum algorithms aiming for industrially useful applications of quantum computing. In particular, research focusing on the utilization of what is known as NISQ, or Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum computers, has been vigorously pursued. In this talk, after providing an overview of quantum computers, I will introduce several representative examples of quantum algorithms that are of interest in physics.

11:55-12:20 Break

Session 5 (Chair: Nagao)

12:20-13:10 Study on boundary regions of archeology and particle physics using cosmic ray/宇宙線を用いた考古学―素粒子物理学境界領域の研究  

Katsuki Ishiguro (Kashihara Archaeological Institute of Nara, Nagoya Univ.)

Study results and future plans of Japanese tumulus (Kofun) using cosmic ray imaging are shown. Fundamental studies of physics using archeological samples will be also talked. (日本の古墳をはじめとする文化財の宇宙線イメージングを利用した研究成果および展望について話す。また考古学的試料を用いた物理学基礎研究について述べる。)

13:20-14:30 Lunch  (Hiruzen Taisho; 蒜山大将)

14:30-17:00 Discussion on Particle Phenomenology and its Application

18:00- Banqet (Hiruzen-ya Kinbee; 蒜山家きんべえ)

3rd Aug. (Thu.)  Hiruzen Gakusha

Session 6 (Chair: Ohkuma)

9:30-10:20 Strong CP problem and higher-dimensional gauge theories 

Yuki Adachi (Nati. Inst. of Tech., Matsue Col.)

In this talk, we discuss a scenario where strong CP problem is solved in the framework of higher dimensional gauge theory. If the axion-like particle is identified as the extra-space component of higher dimensional gauge field, the Chern-Simons term (CS term) in such scenario is different from the ordinaly one due to the higher dimensional gauge symmetry. We consider the toy model in the M^4\times S^1 space-time and derive the CS term in two ways. The derived CS term is 1-loop exact and finite although the theory is non-renormalizable. Finally, we argue the Peccei-Quinn mechanism within our scenario.

10:30-11:20 Searching for signals of spontaneously broken U(1)_{L_\mu - L_\tau} gauge symmetry  

Takaaki Nomura (Sichuan Univ.)

In this talk, we discuss collider signals in a model with spontaneously broken U(1)_{L_\mu - L_\tau} gauge symmetry. In this type of scenario we have new Z' gauge boson as well as a scalar boson associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. We consider signals of these bosons at collider experiments such as the LHC, ILC and muon collider. 

11:30-12:30 Discussion on Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics

12:30-12:40 Closing

12:40-13:00 Cleaning Time

Invited Speakers



Please make a reservation via the registration form.


Please make a reservation via the registration form.

Kyukamura Hiruzen-Kogen

1205-281 Hiruzenkamifukuda, Maniwa, Okayama 717-0602

Hiruzen Gakusha

1205 Hiruzenkamifukuda, Maniwa, Okayama 717-0602


Keiko Nagao (Okayama University of Science)

Kazumasa Ohkuma (Okayama University of Science)