My Profile

About Me

My name is Kiara, and I am currently a student at SSS,  I will be hopefully graduating in 2024. I'm currently in the IB-Career-related program and I'm in the healthcare track. One of the things I  hope to accomplish by the end of high school is to have my CNA license and start working as a CNA. Some hobbies  I enjoy are ballet, listening to music and binge-watching telenovelas. 

Short and Long term Goals

One of my short-term goals is to pass all my classes and not fall behind or turn any work in late. Another short-term goal is to get my license, graduate, and get a part-time job. One long-term goal I have is to become independent and have my own living space.  

My IB Career Pathway

I decided to chose the healthcare track because I want to be able to help others. I believe being in the healthcare track will allow me to help other people both physically and mentally. I really enjoyed taking the health science classes because they allowed me to learn about my body and how to help others. 

Reflection on Development 

My journey in being IBCP has had its ups and downs. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to be in this program. I have learned so much and grown in my educational journey. I have been able to do many projects like, intercultural projects, service learning, language development, and a reflective project. Each one of these projects taught me something new. The things I have learned through this program will forever stick with me wherever I go.