How Literature Shaped me?

As I look at the end of my five years journey of studying literature, I realise that  how much literature increased my ability of knowledge and give particular range to developing my thoughts to look towards the world of literature. Literature opens us up to a wider range of emotions. We learn to shift our perspective by putting ourselves in the shoes of others. We learn about who we are and who we want to be. literature has teach me empathy, critical thinking, language and communication skills, creativity, and values and ethics, among other important lessons. It has also help me to becoming more thoughtful, reflective, and empathetic individuals.

In my bachelor I was not able to find real meaning of literature as seen today I am able to know literature from a different digital perspective. I watched movies for entertainment perspective in that time . But now watching movies it not just part of entertainment but see the movie from the angle of film studies. So that is one more important thing I learned from through the journey as a Literary Student.  Books have always been an essential part of my life. From my childhood days, they have been there with me from my darkest times to my happiest moments. Reading books not only helped me in developing an essence of understanding words and their hidden meaning, but it has also made me the person I am today. My mother always told me "Your taste and style of reading reflect what kind of a person you are. Therefore, read not for the society, but for yourself" and I have embedded this in my mind.