Get Complete Guide For Sample of Khula Certificate in Pakistan & Essentials By Lawyers

Sample of khula Certificate in Pakistan and Essentials:

Sample khula certificate in Pakistan through divorce lawyers in Pakistan please contact Jamila Law Associates. Look at the behaviour of the men of Shariah. While the Prophet A/S observed a minimum of eating, he did not practice restriction on sexual intercourse. He had nine wives and two slave girls. Sample khula certificate in Pakistan through divorce lawyers in Pakistan put a full stop on marital relations. Sometimes he went to all the eleven women in one night. He had too much potential and the Sahabah has put that as equal to forty men. So, Allah allowed him to have more wives, but sufficed at nine and exercised patience otherwise he could have had up to forty wives. In short, he did not refrain from too much sexual intercourse. If that was harmful then he would have certainly disallowed it.

In Islamic Point of View:

The Sahabah too were like that for instance, during the month of Ramadhan, Sayyidiana Ibn 'Umar had his iftar (breaking of fast) at Maghrib, then till Juha, he would have sexual intercourse 'With eleven women which included the female slaves. During those days the salah of Isha was held late midnight, so he could get enough time. He was distinguished for abiding by the sunnah and for his assertion and worship. Thus, to believe that -two much sexual intercourse is harmful is to invent new thinking in religion.


Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah narrated that Allah's Messenger said, "A strong, powerful believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak believer.” (Tirmizi, Ahmad, Ibn Majah) Thus, it is desired that a believer should keep himself strong and healthy and abstain from that which makes him weak before and after sample khula certificate in Pakistan through divorce lawyers in Pakistan. This includes reducing food intake, cutting down on sleep, and not exceeding a healthy limit of sexual intercourse with one's wife or eating something harmful. Sayyidah Umm Munzin reported that Allah’s Messenger said to Sayyidina Ali once, "Do not eat dates, you are weak.”


This Hadith calls for protection against indigestion because it is harmful to health. Our life is a trust of Allah and we must protect our health, our energy and strength, and our stability regardless sample khula certificate in Pakistan through divorce lawyers in Pakistan. If these things are upset, we do not have enough strength to do religious work and cannot help the needy and sometimes we show ingratitude and impatience which marks the loss of faith affects Too much indulgence in sex with one's wife is ijarnitul„ Overindulgence deprives one of enjoyment, our elders have disallowed it. When one curbs the longing, he gets freshness in himself and he should retain it and channel this to obedience and worship.


According to Imam Ghazali if anyone does not suffer from illness and has a moderate strength then the use of stimulating medicine to increase sexual capability is like teasing the snakes and scorpions that were docile inviting them to come and sting. I had cautioned that even excess in satisfying lawful sexual desire causes harm internally and physically regardless sample khula certificate in Pakistan through divorce lawyers in Pakistan. Our best lawyers in Lahore Pakistan is here for the services of all kind of lawsuit.