
To generate your personal Public/Private key for your coin, you'll want to visit bitaddress.org and save the html file to your PC. To save this file, you'll just want to right click "save as..." (The process is relatively easy going forward). After generating your first address, we recommend going to the "Paper Wallet" tab of the html file, hiding art by clicking "Hide Art?",  and generating one address. After this, you'll just want to select "Print". This will generate a PDF file that you can print, with a perfectly sized private key to keep under your hologram. You'll want to put the QR code face down, do not put your hologram over the QR code. We also recommend using waterproof paper when printing. You can buy this online, or at a local shipping store.

REMEMBER TO DISCONNECT YOUR WIFI/ETHERNET WHILE DOING THIS. NEVER DO THIS PROCESS WHILE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET. It is recommended to do a virus scan/scans before doing this process as well. For newcomers, we also suggest looking up a simple tutorial on creating a paper wallet. The process is very simple, but it is also very important to follow these guidelines. Your coins are precious!