
Cinema Studies (BA)

  • University of Art, Tehran

  • Class of 2012

  • Minor: Cinematography

Visual Communication (MA)

  • University of Tehran

  • Class of 2017

Applications of Digital Graphics in Cinema and Video

In my Master's thesis, I have categorized and introduced different applications of digital graphics in cinema and video. In order to reach thorough information on the subject, the second chapter is started by providing an exact definition of “graphic design” and its history via gathering and processing data. After establishing the definition of “Digital Graphics,” how it is formed and how it is represented today, I used the same process for the third chapter in which I have studied “cinema” definition, its origins, brief history, and its evolution in the digital era. In all this, the invention and improvement of computers have had a key role in changing the faces of these two classic art forms. The main goal in these chapters is to gain a deep understanding of these two main subjects, including the concepts and terms used in each one. In the fourth and final chapter, as an opening, I have traced the connections and similarities between cinema and graphics. In this section, we see how the principles of design have affected the work of filmmakers. Then the examples of applied digital graphics in movies and videos are categorized, listed, and reviewed. The evolution of digital technology leads many filmmakers to show more interest in using digital graphics in video and cinema format. Mostly to experience new and different approaches by using its numerous capacities in communicating concepts and narration.

Language Skills


Band Score:

British Council

EnglishScore: 549

University Projects

History of Cinema:
1909-1911 Chronology

Invisible Spectrum:
Effects On Film & Digital

Foreign Film Screening: Statistics and Analysis

Foreign Film Screening:
In The United Kingdom

Conrad's Heart of Darkness: An Introduction

The Dark Knight:
A Sequence's Analysis

Mary and Max:
Production Techniques

Whiplash: A Sequence's Composition

Satellite Ads Effects On Iran's Box Office: PowerPoint

Satellite Ads Effects On Iran's Box Office: Article

Industrial Revolution & Art:
Two Articles

Christopher Nolan:
Biography and Films

Christopher Nolan:
Style of Filmmaking

Saul Bass:
Biography and Works

A Design Grammar Project

Environmental Graphic:
Research + Practical Project

Farshid Mesghali:
Biography and Works

A Brief Introduction

Christopher Nolan:

1953 Iranian Coup:

Hoyte Van Hoytema:
A Short Introduction

Tim Hetherington:
Life and Works

William Eggleston:
Biography and Works

Laurie Simmons:
Biography and Works

Clifford Ross:
Biography and Works

Gregory Crewdson: Biography and Works

Rinko Kawauchi:
Biography and Works

Yue Minjun: Life and Works + Execution Analysis