Slovenia and Croatia passed their acts of independence on 25 June 1991. This "advance" on the date of independence was a critical element of the Slovenian plan to gain an early advantage in the expected conflict. The Slovenian government fully expected the Yugoslav military to respond with force on the day of the declaration of independence or shortly afterwards. By secretly advancing the date by 24 hours, the Slovenians wrongfooted the Yugoslav government, which had set 26 June as the date for its move.[12]

By this time, the Slovenian government had already put into action its plan to seize control of the republic's border posts and the international airport at Brnik. The personnel manning the border posts were, in most cases, already Slovenians, so the Slovenian take-over mostly simply amounted to changing of uniforms and insignia, without any fighting. This was undertaken, in the words of Janez Jana, to "establish our sovereignty in the key triangle, border-customs-air control."[15] It also had important practical effects. The border crossings were a major source of revenue. In addition, by taking control of the borders, the Slovenians were able to establish defensive positions against an expected JNA attack. This meant that the JNA would have to fire the first shot. It was fired on 27 June at 14:30 in Divaa by an officer of the JNA.[16]

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The heaviest fighting of the war to date took place during 2 July. The Domale radio transmitter was attacked at 10:37 UTC (11:37 local time) and heavily damaged by two JNA MiG-21 planes. During the rest of the day there were a number of major set-backs for the JNA. The JNA convoy in the Krakovo Forest came under sustained attack from TO units, forcing it to surrender. Units from the JNA's Fourth Armoured Brigade attempted to move up from Jastrebarsko in Croatia but were beaten back near the border town of Bregana. The Slovenian TO mounted successful attacks on border crossings at entilj, Gornja Radgona, Fernetii and Gorjansko, overrunning them and taking a number of JNA troops prisoner. A protracted engagement between JNA and Slovenian TO forces took place during the afternoon and evening at Dravograd, and a number of JNA facilities around the country fell to Slovenian forces.

The actions of Slovenia's forces were largely dictated by the military strategy devised some months before and were tightly integrated with an equally detailed media management plan. An international media centre was established prior to the outbreak of conflict with Jelko Kacin designated to act as information minister and Slovenia's public face to the world. The Slovenian government and media successfully presented the conflict to Western European audiences as a case of a "David versus Goliath" struggle between an emerging democracy and an authoritarian communist state, and the columns of Yugoslav tanks brought to mind the events of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 two years earlier. This won considerable international sympathy and favourable media coverage for the cause of independent Slovenia.

Another Pazzi origin story, one that is more colorful, connects this noble family with the First Crusade. This story revolves around an individual by the name of Pazzo di Ranieri, who was supposedly the leader of the Florentines during the First Crusade. Pazzo is alleged to have been the first crusader to plant the Christian banner on the walls of Jerusalem. Godfrey of Bouillon, a leader of the crusade, rewarded Pazzo by giving him some pieces of flint from the Holy Sepulchre (the tomb of Christ), as well as the right to wear the coat of arms of the House of Bouillon. The stones were brought back to Florence and remained in the custody of the Pazzi family. On Holy Saturday, the flint would be used to light the Easter fire, and the flame was carried from one house to another in Florence.

The three men put together a plan for the assassination of Lorenzo and his brother. Having done so, they approached Sixtus for his support. Although the pope did not openly sanction the Medici assassination plan he did express his desire to have them removed from power in Florence and was willing to work with those who replaced them. The plan had been hatched as early as the summer of 1477 but was delayed until the following year.

The Pazzi Conspiracy took place on 26 April 1478, Easter Sunday, during Mass at the Duomo of Florence (Florence Cathedral). Originally, the conspirators planned to assassinate the Medici brothers whilst they were in Rome for Easter. Lorenzo and Giuliano, however, did not travel to Rome for Easter that year, so the plan was changed. On 19 April 1478, the conspirators invited the brothers to lunch at a villa in the nearby town of Fiesole. As Giuliano fell ill, and was unable to attend, the plan was changed once more.

Although the conspirators decided to carry out their plan during Mass, this was in fact a last-minute decision. Initially, they were planning to kill the brothers after Mass, during the banquet at the Medici Palace, which the conspirators were invited to. When they learned that Giuliano would be absent from the banquet, however, they hastily changed their plans. According to conflicting sources, the assassins would strike either at the elevation of the host, or when the Mass was concluded.

The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe.

By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings.

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