Hello, and thanks for stopping by. 

This is my old website. Please check out my new site at HTTPS://

My name is Allen Le Vie, amateur radio call sign KH7AL. This page is the one-stop-shop to follow my adventures. 

My passion for Ham Radio resides in operating mountaintop portable while participating in Summits On The Air (SOTA).  As of fall 2024 I have over 150 activations under my belt, and on my way towards achieving 1,000 points and "Mountain Goat" status. That's a journey that I started back in 2013. Every activation is unique and I learn something new each time about researching summits, gear/pack preparation, hiking, activating and just enjoying my journeys in the great outdoors. 

I also serve as the SOTA Association Manager for the Hawai'i Islands, KH6 association.  If you have any questions about ham radio, or Summits On The Air please email me:

Wake Island Info:

I will operate as KH7AL/KH9 while on Wake Island during my days off from work there (end of 2024 and into 2025). I welcome working many DX from this prime spot in the Pacific. This is also a POTA location (UM-0009, Wake Island National Wildlife Refuge), Grid Square RK39, ITU Zone 65, CQ Zone 31, IOTA OC-053, DXCC Wake Island. 

For more inforation about my activity on Wake Island check out the the following pages here from the site menu, or click either of these:

As for my equipment on Wake, I have my Yeasu FT-891, and several dipole antenna options (10, 15, 17, 20, 30, & 40m), SSB or CW only. Please be patient and courteous and I will do my best to work everyone I can.

   --> QSL: LoTW, QRZ, Direct SASE, or Bureau. 

Want to support my ham efforts on Wake Island? Donations are appreciated and will be used to offset the costs for QSL services and improving my antenna situation here so I can make even more contacts! I hope to be able to offer you customer designed /KH9 inspired hats and t-shirts later in 2025 as well.

"Diet SOTA" - My 2024 interview and series. Check out the episodes on these available platforms

Track my progress below toward 1000 SOTA points on SOTLAS