
Standard: Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.


Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology.


Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues.


Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.


Demonstrate cultural competency when communicating with students, parents and colleagues and interact with them as co-collaborators in student learning.

Artifact 8

Collaboration Photo Gallery

Collaboration with Catalyst Education Lab Hong Kong Schools and CIS- bridging learning from MIT to Hong Kong

CIS and five Hong Kong local schools are partners in the Catalyst Education Lab (CEL) to transform learning through STEAM and technology

As a director of connected learning at CDEL, oo-lead on briding learning between MIT and Hong Kong schools in the tri-annual week of learning at MIT for CIS and the Catalyst Education Lab (CEL) schools.

Co-lead out on a tri-annual week of learning at MIT for CIS and the Catalyst Education Lab (CEL).

Co-developed a professional learning conference for Catalyst Education Lab schools in Hong Kong (local and international)

Collaboration with CIS Students and Teachers

Co-designed a personalised unit with a Y5 student and the learning enhancement student that included the study of circuits and Scratch.

Co-designed a personalized unit of study for a Y6 student using Piper computers and potential collaborative student after-school activity for Y6 and Y7 students.

Upskilling CIS teachers for Make Day so they can facilitate student project builds

Co-desgined a new science unit in which students built stream table replicas to simulate extreme Hong Kong weather. Time lapse on iPads were used to document the build and video used to capture student explanations.

Collaboration with experts (face to face and virtual)

for teachers and students

Co-organized a Scratch workshop with Mitch Resnik (MIT) and his team for CIS and CEL teachers.

MIT module developer skyping into the class to speak with students about using climate data to make music with student created didgeridoo's.

Global collaboration with MIT on teacher professional learning

Learning from experts at MIT: Peter Senge, Mette Bolle, Claudia Urrea, & David Birnbach

Collaboration with Great China community and Hong Kong ADEs

After 8 years as an APAC board member for ADEs, I continue to support Hong Kong ADE professional learning events in an advisory role.

Connected learning collaboration with MIT, CIS and Tencent founding partner.

Whole School team visit to Tencent, Shenzhen to learn about the new technologies coming out for programming, gaming, AI, and VR. As a result of this visit, I facilitated Computer Science students to visit and meet with programmers.

Co-presented with a secondary colleagues on how technology supports learning at CIS to a Hong Kong group of administrators.