A short summer school on

Nonlinear Physics and Statistical Physics

21 - 23 July 2022 

IIT Kharagpur

Venue: Raman Auditorium, Main building 

The school will consist of a series of pedagogical lectures and expository research seminars.

Solitary waves and Solitons. Non-topological and Topological solitons. Water waves. The KdV equation. B¨acklund transformation. Non-linear superposition and Multi soliton solutions.  Sine-Gordon equation, Degenerate vacuua. Topological solitons. Elementary Toda systems.

Expository Research Seminars

Arul Lakshminarayan, IIT Madras

Quantum circuits as models of many-body systems

AL will review how unitary quantum circuits are many-body systems with a range of dynamical behaviours from the integrable to the chaotic, including properties of highly ergodic systems such as the Bernoulli. The role of the entangling power and the quasi-solvability of models involving ``dual-unitary" circuits will be specially discussed.

Madan Rao, NCBS Bangalore

Active Force Patterning as an Organizing Principle in Living Cells

The cell is a living state of matter contingent on an internal organization of many chemical species. Acto-myosin, a major component of the cell spanning cytoskeleton, are the molecular correlates of biological force, and their patterning affects the patterning of molecules across scales. We will discuss how novel nonequilibrium features such as nonreciprocity of these active actomyosin derived forces form a key organizing principle in living cells.

Sanajy Puri, JNU New Delhi

Pattern Formation in the Kinetics of Phase Transitions

Consider a system which is rendered thermodynamically unstable by a sudden change of parameters, e.g., temperature, pressure, etc. The system evolves towards its new equilibrium state via the emergence and growth of domains enriched in the preferred phases. Problems in this area of "kinetics of phase transitions" have received much research attention, and arise in many areas of physics. In this talk, we review our understanding of this area. We conclude by discussing the important problem of surface-directed spinodal decomposition (SDSD), i.e., the interplay of phase separation and wetting at a surface.


Participants will also have the opportunity to attend the discussion meeting on "Statistical Physics and Complex Systems" from 18-20 July 2022 at IIT Kharagpur. For more details about the meeting kindly visit https://sites.google.com/view/meetstatphysindia2022 

Venue: Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur

Application deadline: 28 June 2022. 5 PM IST.

Deadline to submit the recommendation letter has been extended till 3 July 2022.

Letter of recommendation must be emailed to the email id: iitkgpspcs@gmail.com .

We are sending out the confirmation in batches, starting with participants who are coming from far away.