KFS on Holstebro's gymnasiums

Who are we?

We are an open Christian fellowship for students on the gymnasium educations in Holstebro. If you want to check out what KFS is, you are most welcome. KFS is for everyone, and we would love to have you.

For more about KFS, see the national homepage. (No worries, this link is in English)

So, what do you do?

Well, we meet up in a school break once a week and have a devotional or sing some worship or talk or something else. Always present is cake, hygge and fellowship.

We also have get-togethers and events outside of school on a less regular basis.


E-mail: holstebro.gymnasiers.kfs@gmail.com

Instagram: @kfs_holstebro

Or contact someone from your place of education's KFS group. You're supremely welcome!

Follow @kfs_holstebro on Instagram and find our playlists on Spotify.