Keyword Stuffing vs. Keyword Optimisation: What's the Difference?


In Search EngineOptimisation (SEO), there's a thin difference between keyword stuffing and
keyword optimisation. Keyword stuffingis an outdated and detrimental practice where a web page is overloaded with keywords, often appearing unnatural and spammy. This approach not only hurts readability but can also lead to penalties from search engines, pushing your site lower in search results.

Keyword optimisation, on the other hand, is a strategic and effective method. It involves seamlessly integrating relevant keywords into your content in a way that enhances its value for both readers and search engines. By targeting specific keywords, you increase your website's visibility for those searching for information related to your niche.

The goal is to create high-quality, engaging content that incorporates relevant keywords
naturally. This will improve your website's ranking in search results, driving organic traffic and ultimately benefiting your business.

When it comes to optimising your website for search engines, always consider seeking professional SEO services in Essex, like Leap Digital. Our experienced & skilled professionals offer SEO services that are tailored to improve your brand's online reputation through ethical and results-oriented keyword optimisation strategies.