About Us

Parijat Ghoshal (she/her) [IPA: /pʌrɪdʒʌt ɡʰəʊʃʌl /]
Languages: বাংলা (L1), Deutsch (C2), English (C2), Français (B2/C1), Español (A1)

I am currently employed as a data scientist at Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), where I have the privilege of working on cutting-edge NLP data products. Within this role, I collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless integration of NLP and AI technologies throughout various departments at NZZ. Through providing technical guidance and support, I contribute to the successful adoption and implementation of these advanced solutions, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

With over 6 years of experience, I have gained valuable expertise in implementing customized NLP solutions. This experience has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in leveraging NLP technologies effectively. I am proud of the accomplishments I have achieved thus far in my career and the contributions I have made to the field of data science.

I approach my work with a humble mindset, recognizing that there is always more to learn and explore in this dynamic field. I am committed to staying at the forefront of industry developments and constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. 

Contact/Social: Email, LinkedIn, GitHub

Alison Y. Kim (all pronouns) [IPA: / ˈælɪsən joŋ:ʤu kɪm /]
Languages: English (L1), 한국어 (L1), Deutsch (C1), Français (A2/B1), Nederlands (A1/A2), Suomi (A0)

I am currently finishing my MA in Digital Linguistics at UZH. My thesis centers on learning a decoding objective for open-ended text generation (advisors: Rico Sennrich, Ryan Cotterell, Clara Meister). Previously, I worked with Manfred Klenner et al. on German-language stance detection.

Originally, I have a background in physics, neuroscience, and clinical psychology. I view my experiences across domains, cities, countries, and languages as assets to my work in computational linguistics. As I wrap up my studies, I am eager to work on interesting industry questions in CL/NLP, particularly in the field of generation.

Before moving to Switzerland, I grew up in Los Angeles and spent about a decade in the San Francisco Bay Area. I miss the tacos and beaches of California, but have grown to enjoy rösti and Swiss rivers, especially the Aare. Lastly, I'm an enormous fan of the SBB/CFF/FFS and can occasionally be found reading or coding in my "train office".

Contact/Social: Email, LinkedIn, GitHub

Naomi Bleiker (she/her) [IPA: / naomɪ blaɪkɛr /]
Languages: Deutsch (L1), English (C2), Français (C1), Português (B1)

I am about to complete my MA in Digital Linguistics at UZH. Prior to delving into computational linguistics, I acquired a background in business, translation and communication. Currently, I am working as a student assistant in e-publishing at the ETH library and previously, I worked in content management and customer service. Throughout these experiences, I have always been interested in making information available and easily accessible. 

Contact/Social: Email, LinkedIn, GitHub