2022 Beneficiaries

Mission Statement:

The Inn of Windsor is committed to supporting youth and their families in reaching their full potential within a safe and nurturing environment.

Values: The Inn of Windsor values Respect and Self- determination while supporting positive Self change within a network of collaborative community services.


The Inn of Windsor provides two programs to meet the needs of adolescents and young adults aged 13 to 21 years of age.

The RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM offers a community based, 24 hour fully supervised setting for adolescent females aged 13 to 17 years who are experiencing social, emotional, and/or behavioural needs The SUPPORTIVE

ALTERNATIE LIVING TRANSITION (SALT) PROGRAM provides support to young adults both male and female, aged 16 to 21years who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioural needs, and are homeless or at risk of homelessness. These youth are placed in semi-independent supported apartment living within the community.

The street angels soup shack is a joint venture between feeding Windsor-Essex and Our Own St., Angels group. It’s an old refurbished camper that has been transformed into a soup kitchen on wheels! Operating seven days a week from 7 to 9 PM. Hoping to cover gaps left after most other soup kitchens shut down.

Not only does it serve hot soup, and food to those in need, it is a way of reaching out to them with other personal needs such as coats and gloves, and also to deliver other essential services provided by the city if need be. Thanks to the generosity of Tim Hortons and the circle of seven and Manor Realty for their support. Also thanks to Parkwood gospel church for offering their location at 899 Wyandotte St. E. for the soup shack to operate! 

The Leone House

Named in honour of the late Miss Leone Wigle, Leone Residence opened in September 1968 at 509 Kildare Road, Windsor, Ontario and has been providing care & treatment for over 50 years. Through the years, although the ages of the women have varied, the original mission and value of the program has remained constant:  To support and encourage women in need.  As of 2003, our 6 bed residential program service adolescent females, between the ages of 12 and 18, in the care of the Children’s Aid Society.  

The young women in our care suffer from significant emotional, psychological & behavioural issues; struggle with severe mental health issues including depression, Bi Polar, suicidal tendencies & self harming behaviours; and drug & alcohol addictions.  Many of these young girls have been sexually, physically & emotionally abused. Leone Residence provides an actual home alternative to institutional care.  The group home concept provides care to meet the specialized needs of individuals requiring specific care methodologies. Staff members mentor, encourage, support & enhance the lives of these girls through positive role modelling; assist them in finding their value, worth & importance in life as they learn new healthier coping & problem-solving skills.  

If you are interested in donating to Leone Residence please contact Sonya Young directly syoung@mdirect.net

Many families in the Windsor-Essex area struggle to try and make ends meet right now and many school nutrition programs are struggling to provide healthy snacks for the growing number of students in need.

With that in mind, Manor Keys of Hope is thrilled to provide a little help to five local schools this year; Westgate Public, Marlborough Public, Coronation Public, Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary, and St. Angela Catholic Elementary.