News del mondo del game

Nosedive: from Black Mirror tv series to reality... But reality and virtuality are not so close

Although Netflix has already released other 2 series of Black Mirror following the third one containing the disturbing episode "Nosedive¨, let´s talk about the real board game inspired to the dystopic future based on ratings. It appears clear that the impact on people´s feelings given by the board game are absolutely far from the strength given by BM episode. Rating someone else´s lives in a contained context where everybody is aware of the gaming context cannot embed the same power of emotions that a real world made of ratings is.

That´s why if we consider the use of Instagram for rating people like a sort of TripAdvisor of human beings, we´d experience a far similar feeling of doom, oppression and nonsense than through the board game.

However we appreciate the attempt to create a game that doesn´t imply the use of IT technologies. We suggest to enjoy the game not thinking to the tv episode but as something different, new, original. In the meanwhile, click on the image to find the instructions about how to play

Epirus Flavor Pack

The battlefield between Rome and Greece. That's the set od Imperator: Rome Deluxe Edition.

The Roman Empire is extending its domain on the Greek colonies, but it finds the resistance of one of the great generals of the classical world: Pyrrhus of Epirus, warlord of western Greece and claimant to the Macedonian throne, the one who would get famous for the high cost of his victories against the Roman legions, but he left behind a legacy of military genius that Hannibal of Carthage, recorded in the history as second to only Alexander.

THOR.N is a first person job simulator. It is your birthday. You wake up in your room and your guardian greets you with warmth and compassion. Today is the day that you get to leave the room that you have been confined to your entire life. Today is the day that you can begin your journey to achieve citizenship. Today is the day that you contribute back to society.


Uscito a febbraio 2019, Metro Exdosus ci dona sempre grandi soddisfazioni quanto alla grafica. Il paesaggio post apocalittico viene mostrato in questo gioco con unáttenzione ai dettagli degna di una sceneggoatira cinematografica, dalle condizioni climatiche agli animali mutanti, oltre agli umani, realizzati in maniera assolutamente erfettae quanto piu verosimili alla realta.

Il gioco risulta avvincente, ricco di azione e strategia e offre la possibilita di esplorare e osservare paesaggi "contaminati" di ogni sorta. A detta di molti giocatori, uno dei rari casi in cui ogni versione successiva risulta bella o addirittura migliore della precedente!

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