Hybrid format

Our hybrid format allows for all youth and adults with disabilities to be supported in their planning, including people living in remote rural areas

The starting point

The program engages young people and adults in their life planning in four steps. Families or support people are invited to follow the same planning pathway. What happens first? A peer-work contacts participants and they have their first session via zoom; During this meeting they discuss what the planning is going to include and talk about examples which may be relevant to the person's life and then participants receive their visioning kits.

The four stages of planning engagement

Connecting session

With a Peer worker via Zoom

* Identify participant's unique Character Strengths via a bespoke virtual tool

* Talk about goal examples

* Discuss what strengths participants can enrol in working on their goals

* Share our Visioning tool for participants to formulate goals.

Start planning 

Using the Pictability tool 

* Participants refine their vision using our bespoke  tool and ideas that participants bring forward

Prioritise goals and plan to achieve the first short term goal

* Unpack goals through our Goal 2 Action coaching tool

Review and evaluate

Learn new skills and review

* Embed strength-based learning into everyday experiences 

* Achieve the first short term goal and plan the second goal - Which strength will be enrolled in working on this second short term goal?

* Evaluate success so far and what changes may need to be made

Following up 

Plan future long term goals

Construct their tool kit from the program tools that work best for them

Practice wellbeing to flourish

* Implement the Keys to Citizenship in their life 

Supported Planning is based on a robust positive psychology curriculum. 

It can be facilitated flexibly over a shorter time with longer sessions or shorter sessions over a longer period of time, depending on circumstances and logistics. 

Shortcut to this Supported Planning stages page: tinyurl.com/planningstages

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