Keyloggers or keystroke loggers are software programs or hardware devices that track the activities (keys pressed) of a keyboard. Keyloggers are a form of spyware where users are unaware their actions are being tracked. Keyloggers can be used for a variety of purposes; hackers may use them to maliciously gain access to your private information, while employers might use them to monitor employee activities. Some keyloggers can also capture your screen at random intervals; these are known as screen recorders. Keylogger software typically stores your keystrokes in a small file, which is either accessed later or automatically emailed to the person monitoring your actions.

A keylogger can be installed on your computer any number of ways. Anyone with access to your computer could install it; keyloggers could come as a component part of a virus or from any application installation, despite how deceptively innocent it may look. Some additional ways in which keyloggers can be installed on your computer can include:

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Keyloggers are a surveillance tool with legitimate uses for personal or professional IT monitoring. Some of these uses enter an ethically questionable grey area. However, other keylogger uses are explicitly criminal.

You might find legal keyloggers are in your daily life more than you realized. Fortunately, the power to control your data is often in your hands if the monitoring party has asked for access. Outside of employment, you can simply decline permission to the keyloggers if you so choose.

Non-consensual legal keyloggeruse is more questionable. While it violates trust and privacy of those being watched, this type of use likely operates in the bounds of the laws in your area.

Illegal keylogger use completely disregards consent, laws, and product ownership in favor of nefarious uses. Cybersecurity experts usually refer to this use case when discussing keyloggers.

When used for criminal purposes, keyloggers serve as malicious spyware meant to your capture sensitive information. Keyloggers record data like passwords or financial information, which is then sent to third-parties for criminal exploitation.

Once the line has been crossed into criminal territory, keyloggers are regarded as malware. Security products account for the entire user case spectrum, so they may not label discovered keyloggers as immediate threats. Similarly to adware, the intent can be completely ambiguous.

Software keyloggers can be hard to detect and remove even by some antivirus programs. Spyware is good at hiding itself. It often appears as normal files or traffic and can also potentially reinstall itself. Keylogger malware may reside in the computer operating system, at the keyboard API level, in memory or deep at the kernel level itself.

No matter how you approach anti-keylogger protection, the best defense is to install a good anti-spyware product that protects against keylogging malware. Using a complete Internet security solution with strong features to defeat keylogging is a reliable route towards safety.

Keystroke logging is the process of recording (logging) the keys pressed on a keyboard (usually when the user is unaware). It is also known as keylogging or keyboard capturing.

These programs are used for troubleshooting technical problems with computers and business networks. It can also be used to monitor network usages but more often than not it is used for malicious intents like stealing passwords.

This article illustrates designing a keylogger for windows and Linux.

I have been building a very small game in the Windows API, and in the main message loop I use GetAsyncKeyState() to test if a user is pressing the arrow buttons. I use this instead of WM_KEYDOWN because with WM_KEYDOWN there is an initial pause after the first press, and I don't want to modify a user's settings. My antivirus program flags the game as a keylogger program, is there an alternative way about this?

How is the anti-virus program supposed to guess that you are not using GetAsyncKeyState() to spy on the keyboard and log keys? You tell it of course, make an exclusion. If you're worried that your future customers are not so easily convinced then go back to using WM_KEYDOWN/UP. Use an array of 256 bools to keep track of the key state. Set it to true on DOWN, regardless of how many you get, false on UP. Also check if the scanner is happy when you stop calling the API function when your app loses focus. Pay attention to WM_ACTIVATEAPP.

I'm working on a simple key logger. I'm having a problem though, when I try to run it as a .pyw the program shuts down before it can record anything. I believe it needs to loop, how would I go about this?

DOUBLE HINT: if you want to use an external editor but want to get error messages open cmd and go to the directory you program is in (cd project-folder\second-folder for example) and do python so for example python

I am looking to build a custom keyboard and bring it to work, but the security department is extremely wary of keyloggers, and rightly so. Now, my understanding of hardware keyloggers is that they are either USB adapters or additional PCBs wired into keyboards, and since I am not planning on wiring a keylogger into my own keyboard I feel as though I should be safe. However, the keyboard PCB I have is from some lesser-known Chinese distributor, so I am now concerned that the PCB itself may contain keylogging software.

QMK the firmware used on many handmade keyboards is fully programmable. Many keyboards use quite sophisticated CPUs (QMK supports e.g. Atmel AVR and ARM processors) . Adding an sdcard to a mainboard is quite easy.

This is assuming that the threat model that IT Security are working with are you being an unassuming victim to something like the second link. The more probable route is assuming that you are a potentially malicious insider, and aiming to use a stealthed keylogger, coupled with standard business practices ("Hey, {Admin}, I need this totally legitimate software, can you just enter your credentials to install it?").

Yeah, with physical access, keyloggers and other information tappers can be installed into pretty much anything.Cost isn't usually a big concern for people who really want to do this. The Chinese Communist government funds entire laboratories and mercenaries to specialize in this sort of thing, and with control of mass production infrastructure, the cost per unit can be driven extremely low.

Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording (logging) the keys struck on a keyboard,[1][2] typically covertly, so that a person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. Data can then be retrieved by the person operating the logging program. A keystroke recorder or keylogger can be either software or hardware.

While the programs themselves are legal,[3] with many designed to allow employers to oversee the use of their computers, keyloggers are most often used for stealing passwords and other confidential information.[4][5] Keystroke logging can also be utilized to monitor activities of children in schools or at home and by law enforcement officials to investigate malicious usage.[6]

In the mid-1970s, the Soviet Union developed and deployed a hardware keylogger targeting typewriters. Termed the "selectric bug", it measured the movements of the print head of IBM Selectric typewriters via subtle influences on the regional magnetic field caused by the rotation and movements of the print head.[8] An early keylogger was written by Perry Kivolowitz and posted to the Usenet newsgroup net.unix-wizards, net.sources on November 17, 1983.[9] The posting seems to be a motivating factor in restricting access to /dev/kmem on Unix systems. The user-mode program operated by locating and dumping character lists (clients) as they were assembled in the Unix kernel.

A software-based keylogger is a computer program designed to record any input from the keyboard.[15] Keyloggers are used in IT organizations to troubleshoot technical problems with computers and business networks. Families and businesspeople use keyloggers legally to monitor network usage without their users' direct knowledge. Microsoft publicly stated that Windows 10 has a built-in keylogger in its final version "to improve typing and writing services".[16] However, malicious individuals can use keyloggers on public computers to steal passwords or credit card information. Most keyloggers are not stopped by HTTPS encryption because that only protects data in transit between computers; software-based keyloggers run on the affected user's computer, reading keyboard inputs directly as the user types.

Since 2006, Keystroke logging has been an established research method for the study of writing processes.[21][22] Different programs have been developed to collect online process data of writing activities,[23] including Inputlog, Scriptlog, Translog and GGXLog.

Writing simple software applications for keylogging can be trivial, and like any nefarious computer program, can be distributed as a trojan horse or as part of a virus. What is not trivial for an attacker, however, is installing a covert keystroke logger without getting caught and downloading data that has been logged without being traced. An attacker that manually connects to a host machine to download logged keystrokes risks being traced. A trojan that sends keylogged data to a fixed e-mail address or IP address risks exposing the attacker.

In 2000, the FBI used FlashCrest iSpy to obtain the PGP passphrase of Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr., son of mob boss Nicodemo Scarfo.[46]Also in 2000, the FBI lured two suspected Russian cybercriminals to the US in an elaborate ruse, and captured their usernames and passwords with a keylogger that was covertly installed on a machine that they used to access their computers in Russia. The FBI then used these credentials to gain access to the suspects' computers in Russia to obtain evidence to prosecute them.[47] 0852c4b9a8

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