Keyla Luna

                  Professional Portfolio

COS Internship: Behavioral Therapy at Over the Rainbow Behaviroal Counseling

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

My Personal Definition:

To me being professional means always being respectful towards your job, others, and yourself.  It is evident when somebody cares about the job that they are doing. They maintain good manners while also working on soft skills such as time management and critical thinking.  Professionalism also means working hard and always trying to improve. 

Final Relection essay.pdf
Q & A question.pdf

Reflective essay


Interview Q&A

My Future Goals:

I am starting off college in Fall 2023. I plan to get a B.A. degree in psychology and a minor in journalism. After I complete my degree I hope to go to grad school to get a masters degree in counseling. I then hope to attain my counseling license and become a marriage and family counselor. Through my COS internship my mind has been open to all the different career fields involving psychology. 

Soft skills;

Goals i set for myself

Initiating conversation: I am a pretty shy person so i wanted to work on practicing my communication with others. This is crucial for interacting with co-workers and clients. 

Critical thinking: I wanted to improve on my problem solving skills and being able to figure out some things on my own. I also realized that it is okay to ask for help from others. 

Final presentation

Promo Video

My Movie 1.MOV