Weekly Updates

Week 7: We have all of our parts ready to use (IR receiver and emitter). We have looked at all the datasheets for our parts so we can get an idea of how to interface with them. One issue that we think might come up is creating the LCD .h file since that was given to us in previous labs. Right now we are focusing on getting the LCD to read out the numbers that are imputed into the keypad.

Week 8: Created project and started to initialize GPIO pins for the keypad.

Week 9: Coded interrupts for the keypad. We decided to use the motion sensor instead of the infrared emitter/receiver.

Week 10: Bluetooth is sending empty passcode, still trying to get motion sensor to trigger when the passcode is not entered in. Currently debugging for I2C LCD and keypad.

Week 11: Project has changed quite a bit due to not being able to get Arduino parts to work with the discovery board.

  • We now are using the gyroscope (SPI) in order to sense when the door is moved open

  • No longer using I2C LCD screen (could not use UART for bluetooth at the same time as I2C pin-wise on the discovery board)

  • Still using keypad in order to enter passcode