What are the methods of key cutting service by professionals? 

Key cutting is a specialized service offered by professionals to create duplicate keys or replace lost or damaged keys. Whether it's for residential, commercial, or automotive purposes, key cutting requires skill and precision to ensure that the new key works smoothly and accurately. Here are some common methods of key cutting performed by professionals:

Manual Key Cutting:

Manual key cutting is a traditional method where a skilled locksmith or key cutter uses specialized tools, such as a key machine or a key duplicator, to manually shape a blank key. The locksmith carefully follows the pattern of the original key to create an accurate duplicate.

Automatic Key Cutting:

Automatic key cutting machines are computerized tools that use digital templates and specifications to create precise key duplicates. The original key's pattern is scanned or input into the machine, which then guides the cutting process. This method offers accuracy and consistency.

Laser Key Cutting:

Laser key cutting is a high-precision method that uses laser technology to cut keys with exceptional accuracy. A laser cutter follows the intricate pattern of the original key, ensuring precise cuts for even the most complex key designs. Laser key cutting is often used for high-security keys and specialized keys.

Code Key Cutting:

Code key cutting involves using a code or specific measurements provided by the manufacturer to create a duplicate key. This method is commonly used for vehicles and high-security keys. A professional locksmith Parramatta inputs the code into the cutting machine, which then produces a key with the exact specifications.

Dimple Key Cutting:

Dimple keys are characterized by their unique dimples or holes on the key's blade. Dimple key cutting requires specialized equipment that can accurately cut these dimples to match the original key's pattern.

Tubular Key Cutting:

Tubular keys, often used for certain types of locks, have a cylindrical shape with pins that align with the lock's tumblers. Professionals use tubular key cutting machines to accurately cut the grooves and holes necessary for these keys.

Sidewinder Key Cutting:

Sidewinder keys are commonly used for automotive ignition and door locks. They have a distinct wavy groove on one side of the key blade. Sidewinder key cutting machines are designed to cut keys with this unique profile.

Key Cutting by Code:

Some keys come with a code stamped on them. Professionals can use this code to create an accurate duplicate without needing the original key. This key cutting service method is useful when the original key is lost or damaged.

Remote Key Cutting:

For modern vehicles with remote key fobs, professionals can cut and program new keys that include the remote's electronic components. This requires specialized equipment and expertise.

Master Key Cutting:

Master keys are used to open multiple locks within a system. Professionals can cut master keys according to a specific hierarchy to provide access to different levels of security.

Professional key cutting services of All Time Locksmiths ensure that duplicates or replacement keys function seamlessly with the corresponding locks. By using various methods, from manual cutting to advanced laser technology, professionals can accurately replicate keys for a wide range of applications while maintaining security and accuracy.