Kew Beach School Council

Welcome to the Kew Beach School Council page. Here you can find links to the minutes of our School Council meetings, School Council financial reports, by-laws and an overview of what Council does! 

Join us!  ALL parents/caregivers are invited to attend School Council meetings. These meetings are a great way for you to learn more about what is happening at your child(ren)’s school. It's a chance to ask the Principal questions and a time to bring your ideas to the table. There are opportunities to be more involved such as becoming a voting member and part of the Executive. As well, each year parents and caregivers step forward to lead our annual activities such as Beachfest, Skate Night, Parent Social, Pizza Lunch, Book Fair, and more!

Elections - Coming Soon!

School Council Elections are held in the first 30 days of the new school year. All parents/caregivers of a child at Kew Beach are eligible to self-nominate for a role on Council. We invite you to consider joining School Council and be a voice for students and our school. For more details about the roles on School Council and how to get involved visit our Election page.  

Self-Nomination Form 23/24