Professional Projects

MIIS - Change in IE - Personal Statement .pdf

Personal Statement

On Inclusion, the Arts, & International Education

MIIS - Program Design Final Presentation

Program Design

Theory of Change & Program Logic Model

EMG 8645A Presentation Going Global and Green.pptx.pdf

Sustainable Course Design

Faculty Programs and Research

MIIS - Policy - A Renewed Commitment to International Education.pdf

Policy Analysis

U.S. Government Renewed Commitment to International Education

MIIS - Marketing Plan - Berklee (Sample).pdf

Market & Recruitment Plan

Berklee College of Music (sample)

Onsite Perspectives _ Kevin Mascitelli.pdf

Perspective Roundup

International Education - Interviews

Text Translation

& Audio Captioning

Ritmos Unidos - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Digital Storytelling

Espejos y Ventanas

Promotional Material for Study Abroad Program

Video editing and interview