
Kevin Gmelin


I am a master's student at the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science studying Robotic Systems Development. I have a passion for robotics and want to build robots that can learn and understand the world around them.

I have been involved with robotics ever since I joined my high school FIRST robotics team. During my time as an undergraduate at Stevens Institute of Technology, I was an undergraduate researcher in the Advanced Robot Manipulators lab, where I worked on creating simulations for manipulator arms. I also competed with four other teammates in the Robothon-Grand-Challenge, where we developed a single arm robot manipulator system to perform different tasks representing skills a robot would need when interacting and handling e-waste. While not busy with school work, I also build and program my own robots.

Besides robotics, I have a love for learning - from as diverse of topics such as quantum mechanics to financial accounting and abstract algebra, I feel most at peace while reading a textbook or watching an MIT OCW lecture.