Custom keto diet

A Keto custom plan review

The complete ketogenic diet for beginners. your essential guid to living the keto lifestyle

With FREE pdf guid and 7 days free trial of our custom keto diet plan and a DISCOUNT offer on purchase

What is custom keto diet

This custom meal plan service was designed to help men and women all over the world turn their lives around and take charge of their health and figure.

The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.

We use scientific research and proven studies to create personalised ketogenic diet plans that maximise fat burning via the correct calories and macronutrients for each individual.

The customers keto diet plan is available to access immediately after payment.

What would you get from custom keto diet

  • An eight-week meal plan created based on the expertise of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.

  • Meals that have calorie and macronutrient content tailored to their specific situation and goals.

  • A nutrition plan with food variety to ensure they will get a wide range of nutrients and boost the likelihood of sticking to their diet.

  • Meals that are based on personal food preferences to make their diet enjoyable and help them stay on track with their plan.

  • Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).

  • A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient they will need in the upcoming seven days.

  • Options on how they can customize every meal even more to suit your taste buds.

  • We’ll show them what to eat every day to reach their goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way.

  • A perfect lazy keto diet plan for lazy persons at 7 days free trial and a discounted offer price.

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  • Free pdf guid for custom keto diet for beginners for ketogenic lifestyle

Benifits of custom keto diet

Ketogenic Diet provides following benefits

The Ketogenic diet refers to a form of dieting where high fats, adequate protein and low carbs are consumed. Its aim is to deplete the body's glycogen reserves so that it relies on fat and protein for energy. The body then undergoes ketosis, which is a metabolic state in which your liver produces a high number of ketones as an alternative fuel source for the brain. This form of dieting is quite popular, with dozens of pictures showing before and after results circulating all over social media. These are some benefits of the keto diet and how it may help in achieving your goals.

Weight Loss

Several studies have shown that people on a high fat, low carb diet burn fat at a faster rate than those with a high carb, low fat diet. This is primarily because lower insulin levels caused by the low carb diet (keto), help to remove excess water from the body. During ketosis, you experience reduced levels of hunger, which can be extremely beneficial in controlling caloric intake, promoting overall weight loss. It has been noted that low carb diets are also effective in reducing visceral fat, primarily stored in the abdominal cavity.

Mental Performance

The ketones produced from a low carb diet are a much more efficient source of energy than glucose. Studies have indicated that they can improve cognitive impairment and even help with diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The high-fat diet helps to support the balance of essential omega 3s and omega 6s which are vital for optimal brain function. Additionally, ketosis is able to boost mitochondria production and adenosine triphosphate within the brain's memory cells, thereby improving mental performance and clarity.

Reduced risk of Chronic Disease

A ketogenic diet can boost the body's defense against a variety of conditions. By reducing inflammation, and improving mitochondrial function, it can help to mitigate the risk of developing several chronic diseases. Cancer cells typically possess abnormal mitochondria, which need an increased supply of glycogen. Ketosis allows for normal cells to be fed while starving the cancer cells, as they are unable to utilize the ketones for energy because of their dysfunctional mitochondria.

Improved Blood Pressure

High blood pressure significantly increases the risk of several diseases and is a leading cause of deaths worldwide. A low-carb diet has been proven to be more effective than a low-fat diet in reducing blood pressure. In fact, some claim that it is just as effective as taking pills. This combined with the weight loss derived from a ketogenic diet, is sure to vastly improve cardiovascular health and function.

It has been proven by numerous studies in the realm of nutrition science, that this form of dieting can have a very positive impact on your overall health and bodily function. As long as you can find a way to maintain the discipline, the rewards are abundant. For those that have not been able to gain many results from traditional methods, the keto approach is definitely something worth considering.

You get improved levels of good cholesterol

HDL cholesterol helps get rid of the body's bad cholesterol reserves. When you're on keto, your body's triglyceride levels fall and your HDL cholesterol levels rise.

It helps you fight diabetes

When you suffer from Type II diabetes, your body experiences high levels of insulin. Since the keto diet takes excess sugar from your diet, it helps stabilize HbA1c counts, and reverse Type II diabetes.

Advances immune system

One recent research tested 7 Keto supplement's ability to get better immune purpose in aged participants. Accordingly, the research revealed that following only four weeks, participants obtained high levels of white blood cell, could brawl of illness more rapidly, and acquired cells that increase the immune system of the bodbody

Slows down aging

Similar to human growth hormones and IGF-1, the natural amounts of 7 Keto decrease subsequent to reaching a certain point. Researches revealed that 7 Keto supplement could assist to slowdown the process of aging and even inverted the process of aging if it was taken early.

How does this custom keto diet work?

You must be aware that the body uses sugar in the form of glycogen to function. The keto diet that is extremely restricted in sugar forces your body to use fat as fuel instead of sugar, since it does not get enough sugar. When the body does not get enough sugar for fuel, the liver is forced to turn the available fat into ketones that are used by the body as fuel - hence the term ketogenic.

This diet is a high fat diet with moderate amounts of protein. Depending on your carb intake the body reaches a state of ketosis in less than a week and stays there. As fat is used instead of sugar for fuel in the body, the weight loss is dramatic without any supposed restriction of calories.

The keto diet is such that it you should aim to get 60-75% of your daily calories from fat, 15-30% from protein and only 5-10% from carbohydrates. This usually means that you can eat only 20-50 grams of carbs in a day.

What can you eat on this diet?

The diet is a high fat diet that is somewhat similar to Atkins. However, there is greater emphasis on fats, usually 'good' fats. On the keto diet you can have

  • Olive oil

  • Coconut oil

  • Nut oils

  • Butter

  • Ghee

  • Grass fed beef

  • Chicken

  • Fish

  • Other meats

  • Full fat cheese

  • Eggs

  • Cream

  • Leafy greens

  • Non-starchy vegetables

  • Nuts

  • Seeds

This custom keto diet plan first asks you some questions in form of a quiz then it prepares a custom diet plan according your health profile which is created in accordance with your answers to the quiz. You can take the quiz here


Is keto diet safe for you ?

If you are willing to forego your usual dietary staples and are really keen to lose weight, you may be tempted to try out the keto diet. The biggest issue with this diet is poor patient compliance thanks to the carbohydrate restriction, so you have to be sure that you can live with your food choices. If you simply find it too difficult to follow, you can go on a version of the modified keto diet that offers more carbs.

However, the keto diet is definitely effective in helping you lose weight. According to a recent study many of the obese patients followed were successful in losing weight. Any problems that they faced were temporary. If you do not have any significant health problems except for obesity and have been unsuccessful in losing weight following any conventional diet, the keto diet may a viable option. You must be absolutely determined to lose the weight and be prepared to go on a restricted diet as specified. Even if you have any medical problems, you can take your doctor's advice and a nutritionist's guidance and go on this diet.

Another study that was carried out for a longer time showed that going on the keto diet is beneficial in weight loss and also results in reduced cholesterol levels with a decrease in the bad cholesterol and an increase in the good cholesterol.

Is the keto diet safe for you? Most doctors and nutritionists are agreed that the keto diet is good for weight loss over the short-term. As for the long-term, more studies are needed. Do keep in mind that obesity is not an apt choice as it comes with its own risk of health problems.

Smiti Munwani has been writing for a very long time. She is a journalist, book author, content writer and dietitian. She has had two books published, The Snack-Time Cookbook and Count Your Calories to Slim and Stay Slim. She also has two books ready to be published, one on party menus and another on cooking for a healthy heart. She can be contacted via email: if anybody is interested in re-publishing the books (she has the copyright) or requires any articles. She has written extensively for the print media and done web content writing.

A versatile writer, Smiti writes on a wide range of topics - please contact her via email for web content work. She writes on health, medical, alternative remedies, family, relationships, diet, finance, business, travel, beauty and other topics of general interest or niche interests

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Now is the time for the complete ketogenic diet for beginners free guid

Your essential guid to living ketogenic lifestyle


As of today I've lost 35 pounds, I have no hunger pangs and mentally I feel sharp as a pin. This is definitely going to become a 'way of life' for me as it's so easy to follow…

  • All my meals are planned out for me and I even get a downloadable shopping list with all the ingredients I need for the weekly shop so it really is a doddle.

  • Katy Thompson, UK

  • I'm 4 weeks into my custom keto diet plan and I've lost 14 pounds which I must say is pretty incredible, it's actually amazing watching my body transform into something I am actually proud of rather than something I have always tried to cover up.

  • Jessica Grey, US

  • I've struggled with my weight my whole life and it's safe to say that I've tried a LOT of diets... The Keto diet is the only one I've managed to stick to and the weight is literal55ly melting off my body.

  • Unlike other diets where I am feeling hungry all day and food is constantly on my mind, the keto diet has completely eliminated this, I actually NEVER feel hungry with this way of eating!

  • I would definitely recommend anyone struggling to lose weight to try these custom keto meal plans as they really have been a godsend for me.

  • Gary Best, Canada