Articles in refereed journals

K. Altun, K. E. MacLean, "Recognizing affect in human touch of a robot," Pattern Recognition Letters, 66(1), pp. 31-40, November 2015.

K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Pedestrian dead reckoning employing simultaneous activity recognition cues,'' Measurement Science and Technology, 23(2), 025103, February 2012.

K. Altun, B. Barshan, O. Tunçel, ''Comparative study on classifying human activities with miniature inertial and magnetic sensors,'' Pattern Recognition, 43(10), pp. 3605-3620, October 2010.

K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Representing and evaluating ultrasonic maps using active snake contours and Kohonen's self-organizing feature maps,'' Autonomous Robots, 29(2), pp. 151-168, August 2010.

O. Tunçel, K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Classifying human leg motions with uniaxial piezoelectric gyroscopes,'' Sensors, 9(11), pp. 8508-8546, November 2009.

Sections in book series

K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Human activity recognition using inertial/magnetic sensor units,'' Human Behavior Understanding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A. A. Salah et al. (eds.), vol. 6219, pp. 38-51, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, August 2010.

K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Performance evaluation of ultrasonic arc map processing techniques by active snake contours,'' European Robotics Symposium 2008, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) Series, H. Bruyninckx, L. Preucil, M. Kulich (eds.), vol. 44, pp. 185-194, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, February 2008.

Conference papers in English

S. H. Argüz, Ş. Ertuğrul, K. Altun, "Experimental evaluation of the success of peg in hole tasks learned from demonstration," 8th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, 17-20 May 2022, Istanbul, Turkey.

T. Ballı Altuğlu, K. Altun, "Recognizing touch gestures for human-robot interaction," Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 9-13 November 2015, Seattle, WA, USA.

O. S. Schneider, K. E. MacLean, K. Altun, I. Karuei, M. A. Wu, ''Real-time gait classification for persuasive smartphone apps: structuring the literature and pushing the limits,'' International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 19-22 March 2013, Santa Monica, CA, USA.

K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Representing ultrasonic maps using active snake contours,'' 4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, 27-28 January 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.

K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Employing active contours and artificial neural networks in representing ultrasonic range data,'' Proceedings of 16th European Signal Processing Conference, 25-29 August 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland.

K. Altun, A. B. Koku, ''Evaluation of egocentric navigation methods,'' Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 13-15 August 2005, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

K. Altun, B. E. Platin, T. Balkan, ''Systematic state equation derivation for linear systems using the normal tree method,'' Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 16-21 November 2003, Washington D.C., USA.

K. Altun, T. Balkan, B. E. Platin, ''Extraction of state variable representations of dynamic systems employing linear graph theory,'' Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Mechatronic Design and Modeling, pp. 17-29, 4-6 September 2002, Cappadocia, Turkey.

Conference papers in Turkish

E. Yener, B. Kula, Y. Aksoy, K. Altun, Ü. Güz, "Miyoelektrik transhumeral protez kol tasarımı," Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı, 26-28 June 2019, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey.

K. Altun, T. Ballı Altuğlu, "İnsan-robot etkileşiminde dokunma algılayıcıları ile el hareketi tanıma," Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı, 26-27 October 2015, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

K. Altun, "Sosyal robotlarda dokunma yoluyla duygudurum algılama," Türkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı, 6-7 November 2014, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

O. Tunçel, K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Jiroskop sinyallerinin işlenmesiyle bacak hareketlerinin sınıflandırılması,'' Proceedings of 17th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Applications, in Turkish, 9-11 April 2009, Side, Antalya, Turkey.

B. Barshan, K. Altun, ''Doğrultulu maksimum yöntemiyle ultrasonik ark haritalarının işlenmesi ve varolan yöntemlerle karşılaştırması,'' Proceedings of 15th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Applications, in Turkish, 11-13 June 2007, Eskişehir, Turkey.

Tutorial talks

''Teori ve uygulamalarla temel yapay zeka ve makine öğrenmesi eğitimi,'' in Turkish,  Yılmaz Makine Sanayii ve Ticaret A.Ş., July 2023, Kocaeli, Turkey.

''Optimal estimation: mathematical foundations of the Kalman filter and hidden Markov models,'' in Turkish,  Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı, 26-28 June 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Optimal estimation: the Kalman filter and hidden Markov models,'' in Turkish,  İsmail Arı Computer Science and Engineering Summer School, 31 July -- 4 August 2017, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Optimal estimation in robotic systems and mathematical foundations of the Kalman filter,'' in Turkish,  Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı, 2-3 November 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Machine learning methods for human-robot interaction,'' in Turkish,  Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı, 27 October 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Machine learning methods for human-computer interaction,'' IEEE Haptics Symposium, 4 March 2012, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Invited talks

"Machine learning for sensing: Inertial and touch sensing applications," Istanbul Technical University, Informatics Institute, March 2023, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Social human-robot interaction via touch," Network-Oriented Dynamics and Data Science (NODDS) Research Group, Kadir Has University, November 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Self-contained human localization by activity-based map matching," Boğaziçi University, December 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Human activity recognition using body-worn inertial sensors,'' Koç University, May 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.

''Intelligent sensing applications in robotic mapping and human activity recognition,'' Italian Institute of Technology, April 2011, Genova, Italy.

Other publications and presentations

K. Altun, "Kaçma-kovalama oyunları," Matematik Dünyası, 2017-1.

K. Altun, K. E. MacLean, "Recognizing affective touch for social robots," Turkish-German Multimodal Interaction Summit, 11 November 2014, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

A. Flagg, K. E. MacLean, K. Altun, ''Smart fur,'' Third Annual GRAND Conference, 2-4 May 2012, Montréal, QC, Canada.

K. Altun, B. Barshan, ''Human localization using body-worn inertial/magnetic sensors,'' Fourth EuCogII Members' Conference, 11-12 April 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece.