Papers and Preprints
7. Isometric Gelfand transforms of complete Nevanlinna-Pick spaces, preprint, .
6. An RKHS approach to the indefinite Schwarz-Pick inequality on the bidisk, preprint, arXiv:2410.17596.
5. A note on an invariant distance of the bidisk (with Deepak K. D. and Michio Seto), Linear Algebra and its Applications, 703, 619-626.
4. Complex structure that admits complete Nevanlinna-Pick spaces of Hardy type , International Mathematics Research Notices,Volume 2024, Issue 22, 13840-13854, 2024, arXiv:2403.02521.
3. Some relations between Schwarz-Pick inequality and von Neumann’s inequality, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, vol. 18, article number 95, 2024, arXiv:2306.08694.
2. A polynomial approximation result for free Herglotz-Agler functions, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 66(2), 665-678, 2023, arXiv:2203.14243.
1. A refined nc Oka-Weil theorem, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 66(1), 218-224, 2023, arXiv:2107.04774.