Sex Trafficking Lawyers In Pennsylvania - Providing A Safe Haven For Human Trafficking Survivors

How Can A Sex Trafficking Lawyer Protect Survivors In PA

Sex trafficking and sexual abuse are complex legal areas that require a specialized approach. Our law offices unique combination of experience, skill, and compassion enables us to effectively represent survivors of these terrible crimes. When you choose to work with our sexual abuse lawyer in Pennsylvania, you can expect:

Experience: Our legal team possesses extensive knowledge of the laws, regulations, and statutes governing sex trafficking and sexual abuse cases in Pennsylvania. We stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments to ensure that our clients receive the most accurate and effective representation possible.

Compassion: We understand that survivors of sex trafficking and sexual abuse have experienced unimaginable trauma. Our empathetic approach is designed to make the legal process as comfortable and supportive as possible for our clients, providing a safe space for them to share their story and seek justice.

Customized Representation: Each survivor's experience is unique, and so is each case. We work closely with our clients to develop a tailored legal strategy that reflects their specific needs and objectives, ensuring that we are advocating for their best interests throughout the entire process.

Confidentiality: We take our clients' privacy very seriously and work diligently to maintain a secure and confidential environment. Any information shared with our legal team is treated with the utmost respect and is safeguarded by attorney-client privilege.

Guy D'Andrea, Esq.

Sexual Assault Lawyer

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Legal Services for Sex Trafficking Victims and Sexual Abuse

Our human trafficking and sexual abuse lawyers in Pennsylvania are committed to providing comprehensive legal services to survivors of human trafficking. We understand that each case is unique and requires a personalized approach.

Our legal services include, but are not limited to:

What Are Penalties For Human Trafficking Cases In PA?

In Pennsylvania, human trafficking is a serious criminal offense, and the penalties associated with this crime are severe. The state's penalties for human trafficking offenses are intended to deter individuals from engaging in these activities and to ensure that the sex trafficker or sex offender faces significant consequences. The penalties for human trafficking in Pennsylvania are based on the severity of the offense, the age of the victim, and the offender's criminal history.

Under Pennsylvania law (18 Pa.C.S. § 3002), human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of a person for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation can include forced labor, involuntary servitude, non-consensual sex acts, or sexual exploitation.

Here is an overview of the penalties for human trafficking in Pennsylvania:

Felony of the first degree: Human trafficking involving an adult victim is considered a felony of the first degree. This offense carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.

Felony of the second degree: If a person knowingly benefits financially or by receiving anything of value from participating in a human trafficking venture, they can be charged with a felony of the second degree. This offense is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.

Aggravated human trafficking: If the victim of human trafficking is a minor, the offense is classified as aggravated human trafficking. In Pennsylvania, aggravated human trafficking is a felony of the first degree and carries a penalty of up to 40 years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.

Additional penalties: Depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, a person found guilty of human trafficking may also be ordered to pay restitution to the victim(s), forfeit any assets acquired through the trafficking activities, and face additional penalties related to other offenses committed in the course of the trafficking, such as sexual assault or kidnapping.

It is important to remember that human trafficking laws and penalties can be complex, and the outcome of a case will depend on various factors. If you or someone you know is a survivor of human trafficking, or if you are facing charges related to human trafficking, it is crucial to consult with an experienced Pennsylvania human trafficking lawyer to understand your rights and the legal options available to you.

Safe Houses & Local Resources For Survivors Of Human Trafficking & Sex Crimes

Our law firm is here to provide you with some organizations and safe houses that were known to provide support to sex trafficking victims in Pennsylvania. These include the following:

Please contact local authorities, such as the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) or the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline at 1-888-373-7888, to receive the most updated information on resources and safe houses in Pennsylvania.

Learn The Rights Of Sex Trafficking Victims - Contact Us For A Free Consultation

If you or a loved one has been a victim of sex trafficking in Pennsylvania and require experienced legal representation, our dedicated and compassionate team of sex trafficking lawyers is here to help. We understand the complexities of these cases and the sensitive nature of the experiences you've endured. With a proven track record of success, our attorneys are committed to aggressively advocating on your behalf, protecting your rights, and pursuing justice for you.

Don't let the trauma of sex trafficking define your future—reach out to us today for a confidential consultation and let our experienced legal team guide you through the process of seeking compensation and reclaiming your life. Schedule your free and confidential consultation to learn more.

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