Labor Economics Textbook

Labor Economics: Principles in Practice, 2/e

Oxford University Press, 2019

A "concise, tightly integrated, and engaging exploration of labor economics for undergraduate students."

  • Focus on Principles---topics are confined to essentials, and connections to the scholarly literature are purposefully restrained.
  • Bring the Data Onboard---students don't get any sense of empirical research from lengthy footnotes filled with names, dates, and point estimates. I weave the data into the narrative, displaying important patterns and interpreting simple regressions.
  • Keep the Models Simple and Specific---I favor simple models with tangible results over hand-waving. Sharp predictions from specific models set the foundation for discussions of meaningful extensions.
  • Present the Models by Example---working with simple numerical examples makes the models less abstract. Numbers replace symbols, and workers and firms get names.

With McLaughlin's Labor Economics 2/e, your students can acquire an unrivaled understanding of the field's most important models and applications.

hardcover: $140 ebook: $70

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