Data Analysis Projects & Case Studies

Projects & Case Studies

Cyclistic Bike-Share Case Study 2024

A Bike-Share Program Case Study

Cyclistic bike-share program that features more than 5,800 bicycles and 600 docking stations. Cyclistic sets itself apart by also offering reclining bikes, hand tricycles, and cargo bikes, making bike-share more inclusive to people with disabilities and riders who can’t use a standard two-wheeled bike.

The Business Task was analyzing the historical bike trip data to identify trends.

The Problem Statement was how do Casual Riders & Cyclistic Members use the service differently.

The dataset can be downloaded from divvy_tripdata. This data has been made available by Motivate International Inc, under this License. 

A High-Tech Manufacturer of Health-Focused Products for Women Case Study

A high-tech company that manufactures health-focused smart products & develops beautifully designed technology that informs and inspires women around the world. Collecting data on activity, sleep, stress, and reproductive health has allowed Bellabeat to empower women with knowledge about their own health and habits.

The Business Task was to Analyze smart device usage data in order to gain insight into how customers use non-BellaBeat smart devices.

The Problem Statement was how can BellaBeat incorporate insights from smart device usage into their products. 

The dataset used for analysis was uploaded from the FitBit Fitness Tracker Data on Kaggle via public domain. 

BellaBeat Case Study 2024