
I taught Japanese literature at the University of Michigan and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa for a total of 35 years. Now retired, I live in Honolulu, where I continue with my research. I also train dogs for obedience competitions, cook, and swim.


Ph.D. 1985, Yale University

Japanese literature

1981-83 Doctoral dissertation research

Tokyo Institute of Technology

M.A. 1979, Yale University

Japanese literature

B.A. 1974, Yale College


1970, Aiea High School

Professional Experience

2011-2019 Professor of Japanese Literature

Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

2008-2011 Director

Center for Japanese Studies

University of Michigan

1985-2011 Assistant Professor—Professor of Japanese Literature

Department of Asian Languages and Cultures

University of Michigan