Kendall Hale Senior Show

Rascal Raccoon and The Magic Hat

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Rascal Raccoon and The Magic Hat is a children's book about a raccoon who finds a magic hat in the woods. He uses it to play, harmless, tricks on his friends, just for a laugh. There are themes of: friendship, fun, and honesty.

Book Spread

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This is a two page spread of one of the pranks, or friendly tricks, in the book. Rascal replaces Joy Cat's paints with condiements. This is the beginning of their fun filled day with their friends.

Book spread

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This is a two page spread of peak points in the book. Rascal and his friends are doing magic together, then saying goodbye to go home. They reminisce over the day being so much fun.

Rascal Raccoon

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Rascal Raccoon with all of his favorite things. This was the first illustration done for the book.


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Rascal Raccoon's friends: Joy Cat, Wybie Squirrel, and Rachel Pup. These characters are based off of my closest friends, they inspire me so much everyday that I had to include them. Each character was designed to have something based off the real person, like their majors and interests.

Rascal Printed

From, I printed a copy of my book before it was to be sold. Here is the prototype I received. There were no mistakes, so it was sent to be put up for sale right after I reviewed it.

Printed Spread

Here is what the inside of the book looks like, printed. The colors turned out well and the paper, and cover, are great quality.

Coloring Book

While I made my own children's book, I thought it would be a great idea to also make my own coloring book. I decided to come up with these trial coloring page concepts, then give them to my roommates to color to see if they would like them. It was a success!

Sk8r Frog

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Here are the two concepts I came up with to practice designing coloring book pages. The concept is "animals at school" or "living like animals." The frog skater is on their way to school, something silly and dynamic to color.


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Here are the two concepts I came up with to practice designing coloring book pages. The concept is "animals at school" or "living like animals." The chef is making cookies, a shaggy dog with fun curls to color.

Artist Statement | 2020

Every moment left idle is the perfect moment to daydream about worlds and characters just beyond your fingertips. Utilizing my daydreams–and my pencil–I decided to write and illustrate stories about characters that kept coming to mind. Both Rascal Raccoon and The Magic Hat, and Tiger Lawyer, are silly stories meant to make people laugh and smile. The book and the comic are made with love and childlike wonder; the motive being the desire to give back to all of the creators and people in my life who have brought a smile to my face or a laugh.
My first masterpieces were created with crayons on any surface I could find. This continued throughout my life and helped my decision of going to college. Art and design has always been fascinating, so I wanted to learn how to do it all and become the best artists I can be.
Throughout my life, I have tried a plethora of mediums for different work; however, in the end using a digital medium has been the best fit. With using digital I do: illustration, writing, photography, branding design, and other graphic design work. If there was a name for my style within illustration, it’s western cartoon; however, in photography and graphic design it’s: earthy, modern, minimalist, and feminine. I really enjoy beautiful things, especially when it comes to art. My work has strong influences from aesthetics I find attractive, to passions and interests I have acquired over the years. Some examples of my influences are: film photography, fantasy, nature, modern minimalism, and things people would consider cute. Strong efforts are made to consume a lot of content with these things to keep my mind fresh and inspired for new work.
My process within making work is simple and fun; I listen intently to briefs given or read over instructions a few times and let my brain wander with the words. The most fun ideas are usually the first things that come into my mind and take hold. Briefs and projects ‘tell me’ what they’re supposed to be, or what they look like, so I always just listen. After that, I take to paper and sketch out the ideas and make variants that are inspired by the process of putting things on paper. Example, the logo ‘told me’ that it’s supposed to have a heart in it, so I’ll mockup logos with hearts and add other elements that seem to fit perfectly. The best work I make is when I let my imagination and excitement steer me in whatever direction it’s meant to go in.

Interested in buying Rascal Raccoon And the Magic Hat to help support me? Find it here: