
I completed my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Transportation Systems Analysis and Planning) at Northwestern University in 2021, advised by Prof. Yu Nie, where I also received an MS degree in Statistics. My thesis focuses on the modeling and analysis of ride-hail services with a primary focus on pooling (e.g., UberPool). During my Ph.D. study, I did a summer internship at the Silicon Valley Research Center, where I developed machine learning approaches for causal inference. I also did an NSF-supported internship at Ford, where I developed an independent MATSim module for ride-hail services in collaboration with the mobility research team. I was awarded Cabell Fellowship when joining Northwestern and the recipient of the President's Scholarship by WTC Great Chicago Chapter for 2019-20202. Additionally, I was selected to be one of the CEE Rising Stars in 2020. 

Prior to joining Northwestern, I did my MS in Architecture-Engineering-Construction Management (AECM) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). In the summer of 2015, I worked as a research assistant in iLab supervised by Prof.  Burcin Becerik-Gerber at the University of Southern Califonia. Fun fact: my highest cited paper was completed there, though it is non-transportation related. In the spring of 2016, I worked in the CHIMPS lab supervised by Prof. Jason Hong at CMU, playing with the geotagged Tweets and connecting them with urban happiness. 

I did my undergraduate in Civil Engineering at Tsinghua University. I am proud of being one of the early members of KID Studio, a student group that revolutionizes the way of humanitarian aid for education. 

CV (updated by Jan. 2023)