Kemnay Academy Parent Council Website

What is the Parent Council, and what does it do...

The Parent Council is a constituted body and its aims are set out in the Parental Involvement Act 2006. These aims can be broadly summarised as

  • Supporting the work of the school - which is to develop the personality, talents, mental and physical abilities of each pupil to their full potential.
  • Promoting Parental Engagement in their own child's education, in the life of the school and in education generally
  • To provide a representative Parental Voice by seeking out the views of the Parent Forum. The Parent Council then represents those views to the school's Senior Management to help them make more informed decisions about the life of the school. For example the PC could help to develop and shape school policies, such as homework, uniform, discipline etc.

At Kemnay Academy the PC meets at least once per term. The meetings which last no more than 2 hours, are friendly and relatively informal. The meetings are open to all Parents. If you want to come along we will make sure you feel welcome!


25/3/19 - January minutes added, March Agenda added.

Link back to Kemnay Academy Website: CLICK HERE


The Parent Council always welcomes contributions. If you have any thoughts, ideas, questions about life at Kemnay Academy, then drop us a line. We can be contacted at