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Kelpie Wallet

Kelpie Contract: 0x854647031965a7fb8E3eFF6049b50e3B65F31059




Started 23th June 2020 Ended! 7th July 2021


Perfect time to buy Kelpie

Buy Kelpies before price increases further to get a fantastic profit.

Visit JuicyGrape Apps for more information about the Kelpie Wallet app


Kelpie is a ERC20 compatible cryptocurrency based on the ethereum mainnet network.

You can buy and sell kelpie through the 'Kelpie Wallet' app (available from Google Play Store).

The 'Kelpie Wallet' app allows you to create cards which are stored in your wallet, these cards are linked to the ethereum account containing your kelpie and are used to buy, sell or transfer your kelpie from these accounts.

Cards can also be added to your wallet by scanning any ethereum address's QR code (such as the ones on and most wallets, websites), these cards only allow kelpie or ethereum to be transferred to them.

To buy and sell kelpie is as easy as entering the amount of kelpie and pressing either the buy or sell buttons these buttons will appear or disappear depending on whether the account can cover the gas cost of a transaction.

To transfer between your cards simply enter amount of kelpie or ethereum then drag & drop the card, again this can only be done if account can cover the gas cost.

Cards can be removed from the wallet by swiping them either up or down and confirming the removal of the card.

Cards are easily identified by colour here is a list different coloured cards used in wallet.

    • NONE - Blank card

    • GREEN - Unlocked card

    • BLUE - Locked card (click to unlock)

    • YELLOW - Scanned card, transfer to only

    • GOLD - High value 10,000 KPE account

    • PLATINUM - High value 100,000 KPE account

The 'Kelpie Wallet' app is available to download from Google Play Store. Due to the apps use of android's latest technology it was designed to run on Android 10 but requires a minimum of Android 8.

Scan or click on QR Code below to locate app in Google Play Store.



Kelpie are brought and sold using the Kelpie smart contract. The Kelpie contract is designed to benefit all holders of Kelpie it calculates the price of Kelpie according to the number of Kelpie in circulation (excludes newest transaction to prevent price manipulation by substantial purchases), this value is set at 0.0000000001 ETH at this value, 1000 Kelpie will increases 1 ETH every 10,000,000 KPE in circulation and volatile price movements are slower allowing more holders to profit with their Kelpie.


While our Kelpie Wallet app makes it easier to buy and sell Kelpie, Kelpie can be stored in any Ethereum wallet, To buy and sell Kelpie from other wallets, the wallet must first be able to add custom ERC20 tokens, to add Kelpie to a wallet input following information for the custom token, KPE as the symbol, 0x854647031965a7fb8E3eFF6049b50e3B65F31059 as the contract address & 8 as the decimals. Now you will be able to view and send Kelpie (KPE) in your wallet, to buy Kelpie just send ETH from your wallet to the Kelpie contract 0x854647031965a7fb8E3eFF6049b50e3B65F31059 and you will receive the in exact amount of Kelpie in value & to sell Kelpie, send your KPE to the contract address and you will receive the exact amount of ETH in value. If your wallet doe's not calculate transaction costs automatically set gas limit to 100000.

The drawback with using other wallets comes when you need to find the current price of Kelpie it can found here:, under item '4. price' this price is shown in WEI to convert this price to ETH divide it by Exp 18 or 1000000000000000000.


In the 'Kelpie Wallet' app security is paramount so all private key's are securely stored internally on your android device, they are encrypted using your unique pin number. the only access to these keys is through the Kelpie Wallet. The app allows you to export them as either an external key store file or write them down this is advised to prevent loss upon uninstall.


Cards can be sent to other devices by a simple text message, the card is encrypted so only the Kelpie Wallet app can read the card, these cards however should be used as temporary cards and all assets on these cards should be transferred to another card within your wallet (simply click card to bring up balance then drag & drop card).

Example of SMS Card send in a text:

[kelpie card:Kelpie Card][signature:SzYlVX66mTZ7+SXJkXUTfZI/164uOpsJ2gPIehxDxxY=&n/7W5kneaIxJhK3YcbdDZw==&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a1024f73]

To add a SMS card to your wallet simply copy the entire message containing the card from your messaging app and paste it into the import card option of the Kelpie Wallet app, Once you paste the card is decrypted so it can then be added to your wallet.

Signing In/Unlocking cards

Tap on the 0-9 buttons to enter a 5 digit pin number, all cards with this pin number in your wallet will be unlocked, If you are setting up the system initially enter any 5 digit pin number this pin will be used as default for all cards added to the wallet.

Note: This screen shot is showing that three digits have been entered, once all 5 have been entered the unlock button will appear. (see buttons below)

Kelpie Wallet, (top) Signing in/Unlock cards, (bottom left to right) Unlocked, locked & blank cards used in the Kelpie Wallet app.

KELPIE CARDS: These cards can be clicked, swiped (up or down) or dragged (right or left).

  • Click:

Unlocks a card if the card is locked or fill the Kelpie and Ethereum boxes with either the cards Kelpie balance or Ethereum balance depending on which box is selected.

  • Swipe:

Remove a card from the wallet.

  • Drag:

Transfer (will be given option to transfer either Kelpie or Ethereum) assets from one card to another.


Unlock Button This button is will appear/disappear depending on whether a 5 digit pin has been entered when signing in or unlocking cards and will unlock all cards in the wallet with that pin number. (except if a locked card is clicked on then only that card will be unlocked.)

Buy Kelpie Button This button will appear/disappear at the bottom of screen depending on if there is enough funds on the card to complete a buy transaction.

Sell Kelpie Button This button will also appear/disappear at the bottom of screen depending on if there is enough funds on the card to complete a sell transaction.

Add Card Button This button allows you to add a new card to your wallet.

Save Button This button will import, export and send cards and saves changes to the device.

Wallet Button This button returns you to the main wallet screen.

HELP US: We would appreciate you leaving a review of our wallet app on either Google Play or DappRadar @ or any ideas you may have to improve it on any of our social media sites, we are always evolving our eco-system with help from the crypto community. Thank you.

ADVICE: As with all cryptocurrency there is always a risk involved how ever slight, so please only spend what you can afford to lose.

SCAM PREVENTION: Be aware of scams we will never endorse any Kelpie airdrop or promotional giveaway without listing it in the promo section of this page, please note these promotions are only valid whilst their status is LIVE.

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