Kelowna SEO and Website Design

Kelowna SEO Principles

What is the best word count for a website page?

Word count is important in the website as it delivers content. Studies show a relation between high rankings and word count. According to Yoast, blogs with a word count of 1000+ words are likely to have higher rankings. However, for regular writing, 300 words are equally okay.

If your word count is high, Google understands what you are writing about quickly. Also, Google ranks articles with a higher word count higher.

Why do they say Content is King?

You might have heard the statement, 'Content is King'. Ever asked yourself what its meaning is? Many have different interpretations, but its primary purpose is that content is a thing of its own; it stands out wherever it is. As such, you should always aim to deliver useful content consistently and frequently.

You might brainstorm article topics and ideas all day long, but eventually, you will have to publish and create content with insanely high quality. Content is supposed to interact with other people and not interrupt them.

What is anchor text?

Anchor text can be clicked and links to another document or location on the web. On most occasions, it is underlined and is displayed in blue. Search engines use anchor text when determining the keywords it should rank and the themed of the linked page.

Anchor text impacts the performance and search volume of a website. If a page has the right keywords and anchor texts, it is likely to rank well in search results.

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Why is website speed important, and how to correct it?

Website speed shows how fast users can see and interact with information in your website. Website speed is important as it helps you identify areas needing improvement and track how they are affecting your overall performance. Website speed can also be the time it takes for a website to load.

There are various ways to increase your website speed, like cleaning up the website, opting for a different hosting provider, and speeding it up using EasyWP. EasyWP is a tool with the right infrastructure to serve users with the fastest speed and experience.

Best Kelowna SEO and Website Design Trends

Gone are the days when setting up a website for your business, event or organization was an option. The last 10 years has seen to a tremendous transformation in the way we live, interact and do business. However, it is not just enough to set up a website. Your site must solve a problem quite alright, but it must also be fast, secure, appealing, and easy to navigate with exciting user interface and graphical elements and tabs that visitors can easily relate with, among several other design elements. For this purpose, website design trends continue to change and evolve as consumer needs continue to expand.

With 2021 already around the corner, web design enthusiasts and geeks have their eyes set on those design trends and standards that will reign supreme. While the regular candidates maintain their place as indispensable elements, there are some trends that will gain even more popularity in 2021. Here is a list of the top 7 website design trends for 2021.

  • Ultra-fast Speed

The world is moving fast, and so is everyone and everything in it. You wouldn’t want your website to be left behind, would you? We thought we saw speed when 5G launched almost a year ago. With 6G just around the corner, systems will have the capacity to gain unbelievable speed. You must ensure that your load time and page speed are fast in 2021. Otherwise, your analytics will show how users don’t stay on your site beyond one minute. No one has the time. For many years, quick loading time has maintained its spot as one of the most important elements for SEO. If you’re a web designer, this is one metric you must look out for.

  • Unconventional Colour Combination

Web designers have played safe with colours for too long. There has always been the practice of blending bright colours for schools, parks, game platforms, and other fun sites, while agencies and government institutions and corporations have often chosen the simpler colours. In recent time, however, there has been a tilt towards the more futuristic and exciting colour pairings on websites. We have seen what Duotone has done in the past; pairing darker shades with the glow-in-the-dark neon’s and saturated colours. It is expected that this trend will continue in 2021 and even take on more daring, new dimensions.

  • Voice User Interface

Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are two of the world’s biggest VUI’s today. As they continue to gain popularity, empowering the world’s online users to make searches without using their hands, there are indications that two-third of all online searches in 2021 will be done using voice queries. It may go beyond this in 2021 to also include real-time voice interfacing which is expected to be more engaging as speech is the most natural form of interaction for humans.

  • Large and bold fonts

As basic as this may seem, fonts form part of visual elements which determine how appealing a website is. Website designers already understand the importance of fonts and have always sought to experiment with different exciting types. However, 2021 might be the year that we see larger and bolder font sizes on our pages. Afterall, the aim is to get the message out there as quickly as possible, and before a visitor leaves your page. When combined with neutral colours, large fonts are bold, explicit and very compelling.

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  • Organic Shapes

For many years, straight lines and asymmetrical templates have been the order. They became even popular between 2018 and 2019. More recently, some web designers are beginning to opt for organic shapes which (according to science) are actually more visually appealing. With shapes looking water-like, flowing like rivers and lakes and with no straight lines, your pages and their elements will certainly stand out even more.

  • Graphics + Photography

How about playing around with your graphical skill? Instead of just having texts on the page (not that there’s anything significantly wrong with that), you can spice it up with original designs and edited pictures that help to drive your message and brand. You can also decide to creatively mix curves and shapes on the website to make the pages more exciting and fun to look at.

  • Dark Mode

From black backgrounds and lighter typography to dark screens, the Dark Mode craze is certainly here to stay. When the frenzy hit the online space some months ago, a lot of online users accepted it for many reasons. So, whether it’s a website or an app, the Dark Mode feature is going to be even popular in 2021. As a web designer, this is one element you should have your eyes on.

According to SEO in Kelowna a Kelowna Search Engine Optimization Company 236-301-1052 there are several other design trends for 2021 like shadows and floating elements, micro interactions and popups, personalized content enhancement, human-like chatbots, and interactivity that web designers should look out for if they want to remain relevant in the business. In the end, the goal is to increase the website’s visibility through SEO and ensure users spend longer periods on the website.