Jewellery Repair Workshop Kelowna - Jewellery Clinic-Kelowna - 236-420-0340

What types of jewellery can a jewellery repair workshop fix?

Jewellery repair is a complex and delicate process, so you need to be careful who you trust with your pieces. That's why it's a better idea to contact Jewellery Clinic - Kelowna, a jewellery repair workshop in Kelowna for all your jewellery problems.

Here are only some types of jewellery that jewellery repair workshops fix:


Ring repair, ring sizing, and ring resizing

If you have a broken or damaged ring that needs to be repaired, our skilled team of jewellery repair specialists will fix it. They can also resize your existing rings to fit your finger better. We can also help with the following services:

  • Ring re-shaping—if you wish to change the shape of a stone in a ring, our team can do this for you. This service is especially useful if you have lost weight or had surgery on your fingers but still want to wear your favourite rings.

  • Ring re-tipping—you may have noticed some stones falling out of an old piece of jewellery; this is known as “tip loss” and it happens when the metal around the stone becomes thin over time due to wear and tear on your jewellery items. If this happens then we will replace any tips that are missing from your piece so that it looks like new again!

  • Re-casing—if there has been water damage caused by leaking pipes then we can repair cracks found within gemstones using epoxy resin glue which will restore their original shine again!


A necklace is a very versatile piece of jewellery, so there are different ways you can fix it. The following are just some examples:

  • A broken chain

If your chain has snapped, it's not necessarily the end of the road for your necklace. We can repair the clasp and reattach it to its other half. This will ensure that your necklace hangs properly again and doesn't fall apart any more easily than before.

  • A lost clasp

If your clasp has fallen off somewhere between home and work, we can help find them! If they've fallen out of their setting or onto the ground, we'll need to remove all metalwork from around where they fell out first (for example if it was on a pendant). Then we'll either re-use an old one or create a new replacement for you.

  • A broken pendant or charm

The same goes for charms; just bring them into us at any time during normal business hours so that our team has time to find exactly which ones need replacing before attaching new ones later down the line once everything's been cleaned up properly!


Bracelets are a type of jewellery that can be repaired in a good quality, professional jewellery repair workshop. The same processes that are used for repairing rings, can also be used to repair bracelets. These include:

  • Soldering - where there is a break or crack in the metal or stone of the bracelet, soldering will be able to make them as strong as new again

  • Resizing - if your bracelet doesn't fit you anymore then it can be resized so that it fits better. This means that you don't have to throw away an old bracelet if it's too small but instead just resize it and wear it again!

  • Wearing out with age - sometimes over time bracelets tend to wear out due to use and this makes them look worn out and old-fashioned. This can happen even when they're made from gold which is supposed to last forever (or close enough). If this happens then having your old bracelet repaired can help keep its value high while still keeping its original shape or style intact!


  • If you are wearing earrings and want them repaired, make sure that the jewellery repair workshop you visit can handle your earrings. If the back of your earring does not say sterling silver, gold or platinum then it may be more difficult for a jeweller to identify what material it is made from.

  • Ask the jeweller if they can tell you what material your earring is made from if they cannot tell by looking at their display cases.

Jewellery from other cultures

If you have jewellery from another culture that needs repairing, it may be harder than expected. Jewellery is often made with different materials and techniques in different countries, so the work may require special skills. If you are not sure whether or not your jeweller can do this type of repair, ask them!

It can be hard to find a jewellery repair shop that works with your pieces.

It can be hard to find a jewellery repair shop that works with your pieces. If you have a special piece of jewellery that you want to be repaired, it's important to know what they can do and what they can't. This will help you avoid having to go through the process several times before getting it fixed properly.

The best place to get your jewellery fixed is at Jewellery Clinic - Kelowna. They have a wide range of services available for all kinds of pieces, including engagement rings and wedding bands as well as other types of bracelets and necklaces like those made from precious metals or gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, and sapphires among others

If you’re looking for a jewellery repair shop that can work with your pieces, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today! You may reach us at +1 236 420 0340!