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ResearchGate profile

Rebman, Jon P.; Mulligan, Margaret R.; Johnson, Leigh A.; Melgert, Fred; Hoegen, Carla; Asmus, Jim; Ayon, Jorge; Basden-Thomas, Millie; Crawford, Stephanie; Escalante, Becky; Hendrickson, Larry; Singh, Onkar; Uyeda, Kellie (2024) Noteworthy Collections for San Diego County (PDF) Crossosoma 48 (1 & 2), 26

Warkentin, KK, Stow, DA, Uyeda, KA, O’Leary, JF, Lambert, J, Loerch, AC, Coulter, LL (2020) Shrub Fractional Cover Estimation and Mapping of San Clemente Island Shrubland Based on Airborne Multispectral Imagery and Lidar Data. (PDF) Remote Sensing 12, 3608. 

Uyeda KA, Stow DA, Richart CH (2020) Assessment of volunteered geographic information for vegetation mapping. (PDF) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192, 554. 

Uyeda KA, Warkentin KK, Stow DA, O’Leary JF, Snavely RA, Lambert J, Bolick LA, O'Connor K, Munson B, Loerch AC (2020). Vegetation mapping using hierarchical object-based image analysis applied to aerial imagery and lidar data. (PDF) Applied Vegetation Science 23, 80-93.  Online appendix available here

Uyeda, KA, Deutschman, DH & Crooks, JA 2019. Effects of Salt and Drought Stress on Germination of Non-native Plants in the Salt Marsh to Upland Transition Zone. (PDF) Estuaries and Coasts 42, 1686-1694. 

Snavely RA, Uyeda KA, Stow DA, O’Leary JF, Lambert J (2019) Mapping vegetation community types in a highly-disturbed landscape: Integrating hierarchical object-based image analysis with lidar-derived canopy height data. (PDF) International Journal of Remote Sensing 40: 4384-4400. doi:10.1080/01431161.2018.1562588 

Uyeda KA, Stow DA, Roberts DA, Riggan PJ (2017) Combining ground-based measurements and MODIS-based spectral vegetation indices to track biomass accumulation in post-fire chaparral. (PDF) International Journal of Remote Sensing 38, 728–741. doi:10.1080/01431161.2016.1271477 

Schmidt IT, O’Leary JF, Stow DA, Uyeda KA, Riggan PJ (2016) Use of ultra-high spatial resolution aerial imagery in the estimation of chaparral wildfire fuel loads.(PDF) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188. doi:10.1007/s10661-016-5656-x 

Uyeda KA, Stow DA, O’Leary JF, Schmidt IT, Riggan PJ (2016) Spatial variation of fuel loading within varying aged stands of chaparral. (PDF) Applied Vegetation Science 19, 267–279. doi:10.1111/avsc.12209  Archived data available at US Forest Service Research Data Archive:

Uyeda KA, Stow DA, O’Leary JF, Tague C, Riggan PJ (2016) Chaparral growth ring analysis as an indicator of stand biomass development.(PDF) International Journal of Wildland Fire 25, 1086–1092. 

Uyeda KA, Stow DA, Riggan PJ (2015) Tracking MODIS NDVI time series to estimate fuel accumulation. (PDF) Remote Sensing Letters 6, 587–596. doi:10.1080/2150704X.2015.1063736 

Chen X, Emery N, Garcia ES, Hanan EJ, Hodges HE, Martin T, Meyers MA, Peavey LE, Peng H, Santamaria JS, Uyeda KA, Anderson SE, Tague C (2013) Perspectives on disconnects between scientific information and management decisions on post-fire recovery in Western US. (PDF) Environmental Management 52, 1415–1426. doi:10.1007/s00267-013-0165-y 

Uyeda KA, Deutschman DH, Crooks JA (2013) Abiotic Limitation of Non-native Plants in the High Salt Marsh Transition Zone. (PDF) Estuaries and Coasts 36, 1125–1136. doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9640-1 

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