Kelley's Space

185 Brock Street North, Unit #102B

Whitby, Ontario    L1N 4H3





DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT the Retreats Menu for the brand New 2024 Retreats for MUSES OF TRIUNE!!!  

Lots of other goodies in the other menus as well 

and new stuff being added so check in often!

Conveniently located at central downtown Whitby

185 Brock St N, Unit #102B

Mystical and Magickal

Kelley's Space is adaptable for many different venues.

And possibly a friendly and familiar face....

I'm Kelley

Welcome to The "Space"

It's a versatile space and environment.  For Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, Metaphysical Workshops, Hands-On Workshops, Drum Circles, Healing Sessions, Readings - Astrology, Tarot, and more.  Seriously the 'space' to be in!!!

Victorian Reading Room

Cartography  Healing Room

Egyptian Room

Class Space

Kelley's Sacred Sanctuary : )

Soft Ambiance

Classy and Sophisticated

...and then mysterious 

Twilight Tarot Facelift

Welcoming and Comfy

Elegant and serene 

...and treasures

Who is Kelley?

Kelley offers 24+ year’s experience as a holistic practitioner in a myriad of modalities including:  Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Advanced Reflexologist (OCR), Level II TT Practitioner, EFT, Flower Essence Consultant/Teacher, Master Auricular Hygienist, Touch For Health Practitioner, Crystal Healer, Meditation Facilitator, Teacher and Facilitator of the Nine Rites of Munay-Ki and Teacher/Practitioner Axiatonal Alignment. 


She is a well respected leader in her community as an Ordained Priestess with the Fellowship of Isis (Clonegal Castle - Ireland), Founder of the Iseum of Imbas Forosnai which facilitates comprehensive Priestess/Priest Mentorship Program, Co-Founder of the Temple of Isis, Runes Master, Traditional Bard and a Faery Shaman.  As well as proudly associated with Odyssey Books and Resource Center in Ajax, Ontario for almost 20 years as both a retail specialist and a facilitator/teacher of metaphysical workshops for 23+ years.    


Kelley has practiced Reiki for over 22 years and her background in Martial Arts, Tai Chi and Shamanic Studies allows her to infuse her Reiki with a unique energy.

Reiki Level I – Shoden

Through traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho - Shoden/Level I attunements you will align & amplify your natural healing energies. Learn the history & origins of Reiki, techniques including Gassho, Reiji-Ho, Joshin Kokyuu Ho and Kenyoku (breathing, grounding and clearing fundamentals), hand placement, self-healing and etiquette. Your attunement will include the first two symbols.  In class hands-on practice included.  Manual. Certificate. 

Reiki Level II – Okuden

Attunement initiates an intuitive awakening & acceleration of energies.  In this class, learn the advanced techniques of Byosen, Reiki Mawashi & Enkaku Chiryo (scanning, group energy, distant healing fundamentals).  Includes an introduction to the non-traditional use of vibrations (singing bowls/tingshas) and the Okuden distance healing symbol. Group healing practice.  Manual & Certificate.

Reiki Level III – Shinpiden

In preparation of receiving the Master Symbols we will discuss the tradition, duties and responsiblities of the Shinpiden (Teacher), learn advanced breathing techniques including deep shamanic breathwork and examine the psysiological effects on the body.  At this level you will receive the final Master Symbols and receive concise instruction on how to facilitate attunements of others (in class hands-on review).  Written Case Studies Required.  Manual. Certificate. 

Other Workshops:  

Celtic Tree Calendar 

Ogham Mysteries 

Healing Herbs 

Understanding Flower Remedies  

Lemuria Rediscovered  

Lemurian / Pleiadian Keys  

Mysteries of the Runes 

Kitchen Witchery & Folklore  

Tai Chi - 24 Simplified Yan

Tai Chi - 85 Yang

Tai Chi - 16 Sword/85 Yang

Pagan Chant Workshop  

Pagan Chanting & Drumming Circle 

Wire Wrapping Gemstones  

Magical Woods  

Advanced Wire Wrapping

Axiatonal Alignment

Tea Leaf Reading

7 Chakra Meditation Series

Druid Herb Wisdom 

Potions & Lotions, Oh my! 

Introduction to Reflexology 

Witch Series:  Casting Sacred Circle 101

Witch Series:  Ritual Writing 101

Witch Series:  Calling The Quarters 101

Witch Series:  Coven Craft 101

Witch Series:  Who Is The Goddess 101

Witch Series:  Who Are The “Gods” 101

Witch Series:  Amulets & Talismans 101

Witch Series:  Defensive Magick 101

Witch Series:  What Is Magick 101

Witch Series:  Book Of Shadows 101

Witch Series:  Witch Herbs 101

Witch Series:  Little Bit Of Egypt 101

Witch Series:  The Witches’ Besom 101

And the list is ever expanding…the future is only limited by the mind!


She has over 14+ years experience as Co-Facilitator of Spiritual Retreats, as well as numerous public speaking engagements that include the Writer’s Guild in Toronto – Expose on Celtic Shamanism, Oshawa Public Library – Wizards in Modern Day Life, private spiritual functions addressing the Pagan Origins of the Wheel of the Year and Samhain/All Hallows Eve, and Tai Chi & Seniors Health. 

Kelley’s Space

185 Brock St N, Unit#102B, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 4H3

 If you enjoyed your experience at Kelley's Space it would be greatly appreciated 

if you would support Kelley’s Space and leave a Google  Review.

Thank you again for your support.  Blessings, Kelley