App IconSet

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"AppIcon.appiconset" file can be generated by importing single image.

Main Features

1. Ability to generate "AppIcon.appiconset" for iOS applications.

2. Ability to generate "AppIcon.appiconset" for Mac applications.

3. Ability to generate "AppIcon.appiconset" for Apple Watch applications.

How does Xcode use the "AppIcon.appiconset" file?

1. Navigate to the Assets.xcassets Folder

2. Delete the pre existing AppIcon

3. Right click -> Import...-> choose the "AppIcon.appiconset" file.


Our team was founded in 2017. The team was originally composed of three people. As of now, there are more than 10 people. We mainly develop iOS Game, Android Game and mac applications, and now have more than 20 products.