Keisuke Bando (坂東 桂介)
Associate Professor ,
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, 223-8522, Japan
Research Interests: Matching Theory, Game Theory
Links: researchmap, ORCID, SSRN
Working Paper
Stable matching under inconsistent choice functions (with Toshiyuki Hirai, Kenzo Imamura), 2025, UTMD Working Paper.
Properties of Path-Independent Choice Correspondences and Their Applications to Efficient and Stable Matchings (with Kenzo Imamura, Yasushi Kawase), 2025, arXiv.
A characterization of strategic manipulations in a rank-minimizing mechanism (with Naoki Kokubo), 2024, SSRN Working Paper.
Strategy-proofness and competitive equilibrium with transferable utility: Gross substitutes revisited (with Kenzo Imamura, Tomoya Kazumura), 2024, SSRN Working Paper.
An extended abstract of this paper will appear on the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'24)
Substitutes for nonunitary many-to-many matching with contracts (with Toshiyuki Hirai), 2024, SSRN Working Paper.
Stability and substitutability in dynamic matching markets (with Ryo Kawasaki), Games and Economic Behavior 147, 533-553, 2024.
The minimum set of μ-compatible subgames for obtaining a stable set in an assignment game (with Yakuma Furusawa), International Journal of Game Theory 52, 231-252, 2023.
A one-page abstract of this paper appears on the 9th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT2016). WP version.
Stability properties of the core in a generalized assignment problem (with Ryo Kawasaki), Games and Economic Behavior 130, 211-223, 2021. WP version.
Substitutes and stability for many-to-many matching with contracts (with Toshiyuki Hirai and Jun Zhang), Games and Economic Behavior 129, 503-512, 2021. WP version.
Stability and venture structures in multilateral matching (with Toshiyuki Hirai), Journal of Economic Theory 196, 105292, 2021. WP version
The former working paper version: ``On stable outcomes of multilateral matching''.
Subgame perfect equilibria under the deferred acceptance algorithm (with Yasushi Kawase), International Journal of Game Theory 50, 503-546, 2021. WP version.
Corrigendum to `Multilateral matching' [J. Econ. Theory 156 (2015) 175–206] (with Toshiyuki Hirai, John William Hatfield, and Scott Duke Kominers), Journal of Economic Theory 184, 104933, 2019 (online only).
A necessary and sufficient condition for weak Maskin monotonicity in an allocation problem with indivisible goods (with Kenzo Imamura), Social Choice and Welfare 47, 589-606, 2016.
Two-sided matching with externalities: A survey (with Ryo Kawasaki and Shigeo Muto), Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 59, 35-71, 2016.
On the existence of a strictly strong Nash equilibrium under the student-optimal deferred acceptance algorithm, Games and Economic Behavior 87, 269-287, 2014.
A modified deferred acceptance algorithm for many-to-one matching markets with externalities among firms, Journal of Mathematical Economics 52, 173-181, 2014.
Many-to-one matching markets with externalities among firms, Journal of Mathematical Economics 48, 14-20, 2012.
Conference Proceedings
Essential μ-compatible subgames for obtaining a von Neumann-Morgenstern stable set in an assignment game (with Yakuma Furusawa), The 9th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT2016), A one-page abstract.
International Conferences
Strategy-proofness and competitive equilibrium with transferable utility: Gross substitutes revisited, EAGT2024: East Asia Game Theory Conference, Jeju National University, Jeju island, Korea, Aug 2024.
Strategy-proofness and competitive equilibrium with transferable utility: Gross substitutes revisited, The 2024 Conference on Mechanism and Institution Design, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, July 2024.
Stability and substitutability in multi-period matching markets, 18th European Meeting on Game Theory (SING18), University of Messina, Messina, Italy, June 2023.
Stability and venture structures in multilateral matching, The 20th Annual SAET Conference, Online, June 2021.
Existence of a stable outcome under observable substitutability across doctors in many-to-many matching with contracts, UECE Lisbon Meetings Game Theory and Applications, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2018
On Stable Outcomes of the Multilateral Matching, 13th European Meeting on Game Theory (SING 13), Paris Dauphine University, Paris, France, July 5-7, 2017.
Essential μ-compatible subgames for obtaining a von Neumann-Morgenstern stable set in an assignment game, The 9th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) , Liverpool, UK, September 19-21, 2016.
A fixed point algorithm for many-to-one matching markets with externalities among firms, UECE Lisbon Meetings Game Theory and Applications, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2013
Dynamic matching with choice functions, First Caribbean Game Theory Conference, University of the Netherlands Antilles, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, January 2012.
Domestic Conferences/Seminars
日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会 (共著者の学生が発表), 2025年3月.
日本経済学会討論者, 日本経済学会2023年度春季大会, オンライン, 2023年5月.
Stability and substitutability in dynamic matching markets, 大阪大学社研セミナー, オンライン, 2021年11月.
Stability and substitutability in dynamic matching markets, 慶應義塾大学ミクロ経済学ワークショップ, オンライン, 2021年10月.
Stability and substitutability in dynamic matching markets, 東京理科大学ゲーム理論セミナー, オンライン, 2021年5月.
日経学会討論者, 日本経済学会2021年度春季大会, オンライン, 2021年5月.
Stability properties of the core in a generalized assignment problem, 早稲田大学, 2021年2月.
Stability properties of the core in a generalized assignment problem, 信州大学スタッフセミナー, 2021年1月.
Existence of a stable outcome under observable substitutability across doctors in many-to-many matching with contracts, mini-conference on matching in Waseda , 早稲田大学, 2019年3月.
Existence of a stable outcome under observable substitutability across doctors in many-to-many matching with contracts, 関西大学, 2018年11月.
On Stable Outcomes of the Multilateral Matching, 一橋大学, 2017年1月.
A characterization of weak Maskin monotonicity in an allocation problem with indivisible goods, 首都大学東京, 2014年12月.
On the existence of a strictly strong Nash equilibrium under the student-optimal deferred acceptance algorithm, ゲーム理論ワークショップ2014, 東京工業大学, 2014年3月.
A fixed point algorithm for many-to-one matching markets with externalities among firms, 富山大学, 2013年1月.
A fixed point algorithm for many-to-one matching markets with externalities among firms, 日本経済学会2012年度秋季大会, 九州産業大学, 2012年10月.
Dynamic matching with choice functions, ゲーム理論ワークショップ2012, 静岡大学, 2014年3月.
Many-to-one matching markets with externalities of firms, 兼松フェローシップセミナー, 神戸大学, 2011年5月.
Many-to-one matching markets with externalities of firms, 日本経済学会2010年度秋季大会, 関西学院大学, 2010年9月.
Many-to-one matching markets with externalities of firms, 早稲田大学, 2010年5月.