The story takes place in 1982, three years before the events of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. The player takes on the role of an ex-special operations soldier, Victor Troska, who joins and comes to lead a resistance movement fighting against the Soviet Army, which has invaded his country.

In 1982, Victor "Viking Viki" Troska (voiced by Stephen Critchlow), is an ex-special operations soldier who has returned to his homeland of Nogova after years in exile serving with British special forces. Nogova is a small and quaint island nation whose coalition government has recently collapsed. The island is then invaded by the Soviet Union after some members of the Nogovan Communist Party betray the country and invite Soviet forces to overthrow the government and install a socialist puppet regime. Troska is approached by Nogovans who are resisting the Soviet occupation and asked to join them. Initially, Troska refuses to have any part in the fighting and rebukes them because he wants to put combat behind him and also he believes that any resistance will be futile and the inexperience of the partisans will get them killed. Later, a wounded guerrilla fighter being pursued by Soviet soldiers takes refuge in Troska's shed. When Soviet soldiers, led by Colonel Guba, arrive and threaten to shoot Troska and his friends if they do not co-operate, Troska is forced to make a decision: betraying the partisan, trying to negotiate with the Soviets or fighting off the Soviet soldiers and joining the resistance.

Operation Flashpoint Resistance Full Game

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When Victor joins the resistance, he is immediately forced to take command and fight the Soviets who attack their base and kill the resistance commander. Then he leads his unit to attack Soviet bases and convoys to obtain weapons, ammunition, and tanks as the resistance forces only have a limited supply of weapons. Besides the fighting, this becomes a very important objective through all throughout the campaign. After some initial successful actions against remote Soviet outposts more people begin to join the resistance, making it stronger.

Later, the resistance receives some weapons and supplies from the U.S. who also send an old friend of Victor's, Major James Gastovski, and his team in to assist the resistance. Victor is also helped by "Tasmanian Devil", an informant of unknown identity who passes critical information to him via radio (he is later discovered by the Soviets and killed).

The successful actions drive the Soviets back until they are pushed to the airfield where Guba holds his tactical bombers to be used to obliterate Nogova after the Soviet retreat. After initial refusal of U.S. assistance and failed attempt of special forces to destroy the bombers, Victor manages to destroy them. However, the Soviets surround him, leaving his ultimate fate uncertain, most likely being dead. Then the Soviets launch an offensive which puts the resistance on the brink of defeat, but U.S. forces sent by Colonel Blake wipe out the remaining Soviet forces. Guba escapes in a helicopter before the final defeat and James Gastovski, disappointed after losing his friend and Colonel Guba's escape, leaves the army.

Now that the partisans were armed with actual weaponry, they could conduct their first offensive operation against the Soviets. The next morning, Troska announced that they were going to strike at a Soviet armoured vehicle depot near the village of Trosky. Scouts reported that their crews were "celebrating" in the castle ruins, and their recently-repaired vehicles (including an advanced heavy tank) were ripe for the taking.

Many villagers throughout the country secretly began supporting the resistance with information and supplies, and the partisans' ranks were swelling with new recruits as well. Those who had weapons even banded together to join the fight directly.

The player takes on the role of Victor Troska, a local hero of sorts. He was born on Nogova but was exiled in his youth, and after serving with various foreign Special Forces organisations he returned to the island and played a pivotal role in overthrowing the pro-Soviet regime in 1974. Having progressed through the police force and become a judge, Troska settled down to what he hoped would be the peaceful life he had craved. Guba's attack on Nogova forces Troska to choose between resignation or resistance, capitulation or combat.Unlike Cold War Crisis the player remains with Troska throughout the campaign. The Resistance movement he leads is under-manned and under-equipped so the player must scavenge whatever equipment that can be found to be used in subsequent missions.The character of James Gastovski makes a return in this story. He and Troska served together for a time in a Special Forces unit, and Gastovski 'unofficially' lends a hand in the liberation of Nogova from Guba's clutches.

The storyline takes place three years before the events of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. The player takes on the role of an ex-special operations soldier, Victor Troska, who has returned to his homeland of Nogova after years in exile serving with British Special Forces. During the first introductory mission to the campaign, the island is invaded by the Soviet Union after some members of the socialist party betray the country and invite Soviet forces to overthrow the government. Troska is approached by Nogovans who are resisting the Soviet occupation and asked to join them. Initially, Troska refuses to have any part in the fighting and rebukes them because he wants to put the combat behind and also believes that any resistance will take many of the inexperienced soldiers' lives. Later, a wounded guerrilla fighter being pursued by Soviet soldiers takes refuge in Troska's shed. When Soviet soldiers, led by Colonel Guba, arrive, Troska is forced to make a decision: betraying the partisan, trying to negotiate with the Soviets or fighting off the Soviet soldiers and joining the resistance.

When Victor joins the resistance, he is immediately forced to take command and fight the Soviets who attack their base and kill the resistance commander. Then he leads his units to assault some Soviet bases and convoys to collect some weapons, ammunition, and tanks as the resistance forces have only a limited supply of weapons. Besides the fighting, this becomes a very important objective through all throughout the campaign. After some initial successful actions more people begin to join the resistance, making it stronger. Later, the resistance receives some weapons and supplies from the Americans who also send James Gastovski and his team in to assist the resistance. Victor is also helped by "Tasmanian Devil", an informant of unknown identity who passes critical information to him via radio (he is later discovered by the Soviets and killed). The successful actions drive the Soviets back until they are pushed to the airfield where Guba holds his tactical bombers to be used to obliterate Nogova after the Soviet retreat. Victor manages to destroy the bombers but the Soviets encircle him and is missing after that, presumably dead. The American forces sent by Colonel Blake wipe out the remaining Soviet forces but Guba escapes before the final defeat.

As with Operation Flashpoint, an interesting story ties the game's combat encounters together. Resistance plays out a few years before the story of Operation Flashpoint, letting you assume the role of Victor Troska, a former Special Forces soldier. Having grown weary of fighting, Troska retires to the sleepy, provincial island of Nogova, a fictional area that readily calls to mind the Balkans. The sympathetic Troska's peace and quiet don't last long. A split between hard-line Communists and reformers causes Nogova's government to collapse, whereupon Soviet forces led by a brutal commander arrive to establish a puppet government. Only Troska is capable of organizing and leading a militia resistance.

Operation Flashpoint: Resistance is the second expansion of Operation Flashpoint. It offers a new campaign on a new island with improved graphics and new gameplay elements. You play as part of an underground resistance group opposing general Guba before the Operation Flashpoint time-frame. Weapons have to be captured and resources and men need to be managed to be successful.

It is important to recognize that this crisis is not comparable to the economic recessions of the 1980s and 1990s. Not only is it a more fundamental manifestation of the contradictions of capitalism, but it is taking effect after decades of neoliberalism. The international neoliberal offensive has been devoted to altering the balance of forces in society and removing those limited barriers to profit-making that the postwar compromise created. For this very reason, it destroyed many of the factors that might have lessened the impact of the economic downturn and drastically altered the bases on which resistance to it might have emerged.

Recent media reports show a significant increase in food bank use. For years, food banks and other charitable operations have functioned as a de facto back-up system that masks the gross inadequacy of welfare payments. Without food banks, the full impact of government cutbacks would result in dramatically increased rates of housing evictions and levels of malnutrition. With mounting caseloads and growing numbers of people being denied welfare assistance, the demand for food bank services will continue to grow, but there is no reason to expect that these charities will be able to extend their services beyond their current limited capacity.

Before the present crisis hit the markets, there were already about 20 percent more evictions from rental accommodations in Ontario under Premier Dalton McGuinty than under former Premier Mike Harris. It needs to be understood what a serious indicator this is in the present situation. People will do just about anything to retain their housing. They will certainly cut expenditures on all other items, including food, before they get put on the streets. For every person who is evicted, there are many others who are within sight of the same fate and staving it off with great difficulty. Job losses, wage cuts, and the denial of social benefits all feed the housing problem. As these factors come more into play, it is to be expected that the scale of evictions will increase and that the problem will assume the proportions of a crisis. At the same time, a dramatic increase in evictions will constitute a major flashpoint for community-based resistance. be457b7860

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