Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

My complete CV is also available in researchmap.


Born: December 19, 1993

Languages: Japanese, English

Citizenship: Japanese


Doctoral course of Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics,

Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering,

Waseda University, Japan [Ph.D. (Science), 2020 (Early Completion); Supervisor: Yoshihiro Shibata]

Master course of Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics,

Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering,

Waseda University, Japan [Master (Science), 2017 (Early Completion); Supervisor: Yoshihiro Shibata]

Department of Mathematics, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering,

Waseda University, Japan [Bachelor (Science), 2016]

Work experiences:

Junior Associate Professor

at School of General and Management Studies (SGeMS),

Suwa University of Science, Japan

Assistant Professor (without tenure)

at Global Center of Science and Engineering,

Waseda University, Japan

JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)

at Faculty of Science and Engineering,

Waseda University, Japan

Teaching Assistant

at School of Fundamental Science and Engineering,

Waseda University, Japan

Grants and Fellowships:

公立諏訪東京理科大学 地域連研究開発機構 追加研究費



JPY 200,000.

Waseda University Grant for Special Research Projects,

"Mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations in exterior domains",

JPY 300,000.

Waseda University Grant for Special Research Projects,

"Mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations in non-smooth domains",

JPY 300,000.

JSPS Grant-in-aid for Early-Career Scientists, Grant number 21K13826,

"Well-posedness of the system describing the motion of  incompressible

viscous fluids with contact angles",

JPY 4,550,000.

DAAD-Waseda University Partnership Programme 

(with Jürgen Saal, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf),

"Mathematical theory of the moving contact line problem",

JPY 2,250,000.

JSPS Grant-in-aid for Research Activity Start-up, Grant number 20K22311,

"Mathematical analysis of incompressible viscous fluids with contact angles",

JPY 2,860,000.

Waseda University Grant for Special Research Projects,

"Mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations with moving contact angles",

JPY 300,000.

JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2), Grant number 19J10168

"Free boundary problem of compressible-incompressible viscous two-phase

flows with phase transitions in unbounded domains",

JPY 1,900,000 1,000,000.

■ Declined for the Fellowship from April 2020 due to obtaining a position at Waseda University.

Early-Bird Program Fellowships,

"Mathematical analysis of compressible-incompressible two-phase flows

with surface tension and phase transition",

JPY 400,000.


Scientific visits (more than one month):

University of Pittsburgh, United States

(Host professor: Prof. Giovanni Paolo Galdi)

Imperial College London, United Kingdom

(Host professor: Prof. Dan Crisan)

Technical University Darmstadt, Germany

(Host professor: Prof. Matthias Hieber)

 See also the list of scientific visits

Affiliated Academy Society:

1. The Mathematical Society of Japan (No. 11801)

Research interests:

PDE, Viscous fluid, Free boundary problem, Navier-Stokes equations


(January 2021 -- present)

Mathematics and Physics Unit,

"Multiscale Analysis, Modeling and Simulation",

Top Global University Project, Waseda University

(April 2020 -- March 2023)

at Waseda University

(June 2018 -- February 2019). 

Mathematics and Physics Unit,

"Multiscale Analysis, Modeling and Simulation",

Top Global University Project, Waseda University

(September 2017 -- March 2020).

Last updated: June 24, 2024