First things first, download the app!

If you are a missionary and want to start sharing updates and prayer request effectively, the first step is to download the app and create an account. Once you have access to Keep UP Now, you can click on the hamburger bar (the 3 lines on the top-left side of the app). There you will see the "Become Missionary" button. Selecting that button will navigate you to a page that will convert your account to a missionary account. After that, simply open your profile page and start sharing updates!

The alternative approach

For those who don't like sidebar menus, you can also convert to a missionary account from your profile page! Click the "Edit profile" button and you will get a screen like the one pictured here. Simply select "Become Missionary" on this page, and you can convert your account!

Why is it time for you to use Keep UP Now? 

Prayer cards are expensive!

Prayer letters are inefficient!

There are too many missionaries' websites for Christians to visit !

To keep up with missionaries who have websites, Christians have to consistently check 10-50 different websites for updates, which they may or may not have. Most of websites aren't updated to date anyways! 

Keep UP Now is the answer to all of the mentioned issues!