

KMA4 has released and on Easter which wasn't planned at all!

New Fan Game

Fan Game page has a new member.

KMA5 is Changing 

KMA5 is definitely not in progress yet but it is going to happen, KMA4 is still yet to be released but expect for it to be like the other KMA games, KMA5 is going to give new gameplay in the form of a maze or mazes, it will also follow the concept of collecting items to progress rooms, this KMA will be an experiment for future KMA games to see what puzzles can be thrown into this series.

KMA4 Delayed 

KMA4's development has been pushed back and the release date remains unknown for right now, the reason for this is one bug in the code that has changed the rest of it meaning I have to redo a lot of stuff. It is hard to do this and deal with school at the same time, KMA4 is delayed until March.


I told you it was coming and it did

Keppler Game

It is out now

Update to Download Page

A fan games section has been added and the official KMA games are separated in their own categories, spin off games will be in the official category while any fan made games will be thrown into the fan made category.

Huge Announcement Banner

The banner that shows the version of the site is now also going to display huge alerts for the series such as big updates to the site or games, new game releases, changes to how to get the games, or changes to the other sites that have KMA games on them. This update is added in the version 1.0.

What Does the Death Mean For KMA 4?

What the death of Nugget means for KMA 4 is that it will be pushed back more than it normally would have, I want to make a game honoring Nugget before KMA 4 comes out which means I won't be able to work on KMA 4 as much as I could. KMA 4 will still be coming out by next month sometime before or during Christmas.

Rest in Peace My Sweet Girl🪦🕊️

This is Nugget; a stray we adopted a year back and on Thanksgiving Day 2023 she was struck by a car and killed. She was only 3 years old and we miss her a lot already. I decided to make a KMA game where you the player will play as her, no this game will not be adding to the lore of the series or anything. (Rest in Peace Nugget 😿)

One Year!!!!🥳

Keep Monsters Away Series is now a whole year old already!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️

Time flies to quickly :_(

Fan Games Page

A fan games page will be added to the website shortly, you are free to make fan games as long as you first reach out to me through my page  and as long as you credit me for the original KMA series in the game or description of it, once your game is made I will add it to the fan page on the site.

KMA 4 is in Development

The new Keep Monsters Away game will be the start of the Cave Saga with the speedy demon Molten as the main villain in this game/saga. You will be playing as Dave Voltren still on the search for his long lost brother, will you find out what happened to him and gather the clues? As for the release date of the game, I still want people to enjoy KMA 3 so KMA 4 will be held back a bit. KMA 4 is going to be the scariest and best game of the Keep Monsters Away series, that's not a lie in my opinion at least. I hope your expectations are high and they will be satisfied when the game finally comes out in a few weeks or months time, thank you again for being so supportive of this series and sticking around for more fun and scares! ;)

New Cave Saga Animation

Check out more lore

New Character Page

Want some background info about your characters? Go to the new Character page from update 0.6!

Catch the new lore?

New and first animation for KMA has been released.

New KMA game out

A brand new Keep Monsters Away game has just come out and the link is now in the download page.

Forest Saga is fully done

With KMA 3 finally coming out this spells the end of the Forest Saga as a new saga will be coming out with more KMA games in it, each saga takes place in different locations and with different enemies. The next saga is in the works and it is called the Cave Saga. This saga does not have a confirmed release date as of right now.


KMA is now getting animations that give little pieces of lore to the games as more Sagas come out.

New News

A new page for updates and other news has been added to the site.