
Identifying growth and mobilizing for the future


  • A succinct narrative response to each question

  • Suggested length for REFLECT section: 400 - 1,000 words

  • Supporting evidence and/or research (not included in word counts) may include--but are not limited to--the following:

    • Unpacking the Teacher Leader Competencies Tool data

    • Description or anecdotal evidence of impact on reflective practice of others

    • Artifacts and data to support your claims of personal leadership growth

    • Data specific to your challenge or Instructional pathway

  1. At which level (emerging, developing, performing, or transforming) in the progressions do you NOW place yourself for each of your four chosen competencies? Name each competency.

        • Overarching Competency 1: Interpersonal Effectiveness - Developing/Performing

        • Overarching Competency 2: Personal Effectiveness - Developing/Performing

        • Diversity, Equity, & Cultural Competence: Exploring and Challenging Inequity - Developing

        • Instructional Leadership: Coaching and Mentoring - Developing/Performing

  2. How did the TLI experience--both curriculum and Capstone project—impact your growth as a teacher leader in each of your four chosen competencies?

    • The TLI experience showed me, more than anything, what is possible as a teacher leader. I feel like I had not considered many of the competencies, and certainly not in such depth. By taking the time to break down how to progress in specific areas of leadership I was able to pin-point some of my strengths and weaknesses. Especially as an early-career educator I feel I have

      • What evidence supports each of your claims?

  3. What are your next steps to continue your growth as a teacher leader?

    • To continue my growth the most important aspect is reflection. I have started a leadership journal, in which I regularly reference the competencies packet to analyze how I am progressing and what it looks like to be an effective leader.

    • I continue to read leadership material and consider how to integrate it into my profession through my leadership journal. Currently I am reading The Dichotomy of Leadership, by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.

  4. What was the most valuable part of the TLI process for you?

    • The reflection piece and the relationships. I really struggled to put together an effective Action Plan, which I discovered is one of my weaknesses as a leader. Taking the first step forward is vital, and often I get lost in the beginning stages of change. Acknowledging that change is messy and imperfect became a guiding principle for me, and has allowed me to fundamentally grow more this summer than I feel I ever have before.