Why does all this matter? Because it is important as members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies to see ourselves represented in history and media and to know those that came before us. Seeing representation and knowing history can be extremely important for people during their coming out journeys.

Inspired by the It Gets Better Project, here are some words of encouragement + coming out stories from
QSA members + advisors. If you'd like to share yours with us please email it to kearef@slcolibrary.org with the subject line 'Rainbow Alliance' 😊

It Gets Better

Even though it may seem hard right now, it gets easier with time. It's like rolling a boulder but it becomes smaller and easier to push over time, your life is that boulder. Sometimes life doesn't seem like it's going to get any better but it will!! Take a look back and see how far you've come and keep taking small steps or GIANT leaps! I believe in you and I know you can make it, you've made it this far! <3
- V

Coming Out Story

I kinda just told my dad and then told my mom later. It's not super interesting but just remember regardless of what anyone thinks the blood of the covenant is thicker that the water of the womb. Or just a found family can be better than a bio family. 

Proud of You 

For me, coming out was a 20+ year process. I knew as a very young kid that I was a lesbian but due to a lot of personal guilt, trauma, and compulsory heterosexuality I buried those feelings down for a long time. It wasn't until I was an adult in my early twenties that I started to see representations of myself in the media, make queer friends, and start to be true to myself. It took me even longer to come out as non-binary. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you are happy! There is no guide or "one way" to come out - do it on your terms. Whether you choose to come out or not, know that you are loved and supported by so many. The world is a better place because of you and I am so proud of you! ❤