Click on any of the images below to download and print your favorite Redmond Lights 2023 coloring sheet! Once your masterpiece is complete, drop it off at the Redmond Town Center Management office from Dec. 1, through Jan. 3 with a parent or guardian. One entry, per sheet, per child, ages 3 -15, and child must be present to receive a $10 gift card. The Redmond Town Center Management Office is located at 7345 164th Ave NE, Suite I-115, Redmond, WA 98052. Coloring sheets can be dropped off from 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Monday - Friday, from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday, and from 12 - 6 p.m. Sunday, from Dec. 1, 2023 through Jan. 3, 2024. is a site where you can colour online colouring pages, coloring books and mandalas. Choose from one of our many colouring pages or mandalas and colour them. Choose your colors and patterns and click where you want to color. When you're done, you can save the result and/or share it online.

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Objectives: Removing artificial food coloring (AFC) is a common dietary intervention for children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but has not been tested in young adults. This pilot study examined the effects of AFC on ADHD symptoms and electroencephalography (EEG) in college students with and without ADHD.Methods: At baseline, control and ADHD participants completed the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS), simple and complex attention measures, and resting-state EEG recordings. ADHD participants (n = 18) and a subset of controls (extended control group or EC, n = 11) avoided AFC in their diet for 2 weeks and then were randomized to a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover challenge. Subjects received either 225 mg AFC disguised in chocolate cookies or placebo chocolate cookies for 3 days each week, with testing on the third day each week. Baseline comparisons were made using Student's t-test or Wilcoxon rank sum tests and challenge period analyses were run using General Linear Modeling.Results: The ADHD group had significantly greater scores on the ASRS (p < 0.001), confirming a symptom differential between groups; however, there were no differences in attentional measures or EEG at baseline. The AFC challenge resulted in an increase in posterior mean gamma power (p = 0.05), a decrease in posterior relative alpha power (p = 0.04), and a marginal increase in inattentive symptoms (p = 0.08) in the ADHD group. There were no effects of AFC in the EC group.Discussion: This study indicates that AFC exposure may affect brainwave activity and ADHD symptoms in college students with ADHD. Larger studies are needed to confirm these findings.

The adult coloring book trend has spread nationwide, with some even popping up on bestseller lists. With the countless health benefits of coloring for adults, it might be time to pull out the crayons, colored pencils and markers!

Self promoting your own book as a self post is not allowed. This is not an advertisement subreddit. You are allowed to post photos of pages colored by you, from your coloring book and only allowed to post the link to said book in the same post, but in comments.


I think it would be great to add a quick action function to the error message that would allow you to turn on the error coloring right from there, instead of making you hunt for the option.

All participants except those in the control group were provided with six colored pencils (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple) and were given 20 minutes for completing their coloring or drawing task. Participants in the mandala coloring and plaid pattern coloring groups were given an outline of a mandala or irregular plaid pattern, respectively, printed on an A4-sized paper. Participants in the free-form drawing group were given a blank piece of A4-sized paper. The design of the mandala and the plaid pattern were identical to those used in the study by Curry and Kasser [7]. Both designs were composed of 324 areas of various shapes and sizes.

Total scores of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Anxiety Scale (STAI-S) for the control, mandala coloring, plaid pattern drawing, and free-form drawing groups at baseline, postanxiety induction, and postintervention.

Least square-adjusted means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Anxiety Scale (STAI-S) for the control, mandala coloring, plaid pattern drawing, and free-form drawing groups at postanxiety induction and postintervention.

Least square-adjusted means of item scores of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Anxiety Scale (STAI-S) for the control, mandala coloring, plaid pattern drawing, and free-form drawing groups at postintervention.

When the STAI-S was further analyzed at the item level, we found that the mandala coloring group showed a significantly lower score compared with the control group in six positive emotions, including calmed down, safe, at ease, rested, satisfied, and I feel good. Conversely, mandala coloring was unable to significantly improve negative emotions compared with the controls. This is also in line with Jung's description of his patients' experience as calming, positive, and soothing when creating a mandala [18].

The duration of the intervention was 20 minutes in the present study. Whether the duration could influence the effect of free-form drawing and plaid pattern coloring will require further study. Moreover, the optimal duration for the mandala coloring will need additional investigation. A single group quasiexperimental study on 100 university students showed that a 30-minute mandala coloring was able to significantly reduce the level of anxiety, as measured by the STAI [11]. The studies conducted by Curry and Kasser [7] and van der Vennet and Serice [8] also allowed participants to color for 20 minutes. However, a recent randomized controlled trial of mandala coloring using an iPad on acute pain symptoms in pediatric patients reported a significantly reduced heart rate and anxiety experienced by patients with only 5 minutes of mandala intervention [19]. With the use of a 12-minute session, another randomized controlled trial revealed that coloring a blank piece of paper or a mandala were equally effective in reducing anxiety in students [12]. According to aforementioned studies, it is clear that additional studies are needed to establish whether there exists a minimum or optimal duration of mandala coloring to maximize its effectiveness for anxiety reduction.

There are many times when I suggest adult coloring books to patients, and they look at me like perhaps we should be switching seats. However, time and again, they come back to me and tell me how beneficial they find them to be. Many psychologists and therapists "prescribe" these to patients for various reasons, and many occupational therapists prescribe them as well! I will also let you know that I practice what I preach, when I was laid up in bed for eight weeks after major surgery, I devoured adult coloring books. When I need to shift my focus or practice my own stress reduction, I break these books out. They have so many uses and purposes that many are not aware of, beyond the obvious outcomes of beauty and enjoyment. Let's look at their uses a little closer.

1. Did you have any idea that the "prescription" of adult coloring stems all the way back to the late and great psychologist Carl Jung? Well it did. He was always ahead of his time. Jung used it thinking it would help his patient's access their subconscious and new self-knowledge. [3] We now know that many psychologists suggest this to patients as an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation, and as a calming tool. It can help the individual focus on the act of coloring intricate pictures for hours on end, vs. focusing on intrusive and troubling thoughts.

2. Adult coloring books can help with a number of emotional and mental health issues. For many, boredom, lack of structure, and stress are the greatest triggers they have. This applies to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders, stress disorders, depressive disorders, eating and binge eating disorders, anger management issues, and substance abuse issues. The time and focus that adult coloring takes helps the individual remove the focus from the negative issues and habits, and focus them in a safe and productive way.

5. Believe it or not, coloring has intellectual benefits as well. It utilizes areas of the brain that enhance focus and concentration. It also helps with problem solving and organizational skills. This may sound strange, and like perhaps the usefulness is being stretched, but it is all true. Our frontal lobes are responsible for these higher level activities and functions of the brain, and coloring detailed pictures activates all those properties. Think of considering complex color schemes, and using the brain to balance and make the picture aesthetically pleasing. [1]

6. Coloring utilizes both hemispheres of the brain, right and left. When we are thinking about balance, color choices, applying colored pencil to paper, we are working on problem solving and fine motor skills. We have talked a great deal about where they would be suggested by psychologists, but this is where they can very useful for occupational therapy as well. Imagine all the areas of retraining of the brain and skills training that can be accomplished with coloring increasingly difficult designs. The individual can start on easier items, and work their way up.

Adult coloring books clearly help serve many purposes that are beneficial. They can be so much more than the color by number that people might be thinking they are. They can be focused, therapeutic, relaxing, calming, problem solving, and organizational. As you can see, they are highly effective for many reasons, and the ideas behind them have stood the test of time, even if they feel like they are only the latest fad. Try one out and you may just surprise yourself. If not, at least you have something pretty to hand on your fridge! ff782bc1db

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